Re: [decoders] License clarification and Tables

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Hi Mike-

Macaulay, Michael G wrote:
I was wondering if it was considered ok to modify the table lookup list
within the license agreement for the java grib decoders?  Is that
considered a modification of the source?   If so, we'd probably go the
programmatic way of modifying the parameter table, but extracting it,
making a change and re-jar-ing it seems much easier.

I don't think it would be a violation of the licence agreement
(since the docs say you can do this), but it seems better to
keep the integrity of the original package and override the
tables programmatically.  We use this in the IDV:



Where the user can define their own resources and add them at will.

That gives the end user (and the developer) much more flexibility

Also, how do we go about submitting changes to the tables?  For example,
we found that the works well with the latest afwa grib data
that we're receiving.  The decoder says the table number is 131 but the
tablelookup.lst only specifies at 130 and defaults to another
table for 131.  So, works for 131.  How do we submit that
change to you?

Submit the changes to support-decoders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Keeping
the tables up to date is a challenge and we are always receptive
to help from the community of users.

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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