Re: [decoders] Could not find table

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 Hi Robb,
 I would like to thank you for your tips to update the grib-6.0.jar and my
grib tables. (I intend to send it (tables) for you as soon as possible...)

 But, now I have a little problem to read my grib file. When I try to read it
the following error message come from:

ucar.grib.NoValidGribException: GDS: This scanning mode (2) is not supported.
at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1GridDefinitionSection.<init>(
        at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Input.scan(
        at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Indexer.writeFileIndex(
        at recortes.Main.main(

 That file is a model result for the global forecast and has gaussian grids
to represent the latitudes. How can I proceed to read that file?

 May you help me with it???

 Thanks in advanced!



Quoting Robb Kambic <rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, eduardo.barbosa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Does anyone could help me with the following error message?

Could not find table for center:46 subcenter:0 number:-1
ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: Could not find a table entry for GRIB file with center: 46 subCenter: 0 number: 128

Hiya Eduardo,

looking for a table for that has center: 46 subCenter: 0 number: 128

at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1ProductDefinitionSection.<init>(
         at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Input.scan(
         at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Indexer.writeFileIndex(
         at recortes.Main.main(

What does it mean???

I tried to update the "grib-6.0.jar" file including my tables and using that command (Windows OS):

ok, the commands to update the jars are very particular about paths and
names. look at the jar using

% jar tvf grib-6.0.jar


lib> jar -uf grib-6.0.jar ..\resourses\grib\tables\ ..\resourses\grib\tables\tableslookup.lst

so the command should look like:

% jar -uf grib-6.0.jar resourses\grib\tables\

according to what you named the table below.

after you are done look at the jar again with the tvf flags.

The table required (number 128) starts like it:

001:PRES  :Pressure                           Pa
002:PMSL  :Pressure reduced to MSL            Pa
003:PTND  :Pressure tendency                  Pa s**-1
004:PVOR  :Potential vorticity                Km**2 kg**-1 s**-1

your table format needs to be changed to the standard NWS format of:

3:PTEND:Pressure tendency [Pa/s]

If you send me the the table, I'll add it into the list of tables and
you will not have to go through this process again in later releases.

, and in the "tableslookup.lst" I have:

38:     0:     2:
46:     0:   128:
54:     0:     2:

this is correct.

Looks like only a few minor mistakes. Let me know if you run into any


Thanks in advanced!




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Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
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