GRIB2 documentation question

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Please forward this message to the people in charge of the FM92-GRIB2

I work for a NSF funded organization and I am in the process of writing a
GRIB2 decoder in java.  The decoder is in beta stages, checking for minor
problems now. According to the FM92-GRIB2-2005feb.pdf documentation, I
have some questions about the Grid Definition Templates starting with
template 3.10

Template 3.10 Mercator

There is no scale factor stated for:
La1, Lo1, LaD, La2, Lo2

Template 3.20 Polar Stereographic

There is no scale factor stated for:
La1, Lo1, LaD, LoV

Template 3.30 Lambert Conformal

There is no scale factor stated for:
La1, Lo1, LaD, LoV, Latin1, Latin2,
Latitude of the southern pole projection
Longitude of the southern pole projection

Template 3.31 ALbers equal area

There is no scale factor stated for:
La1, Lo1, LaD, LoV, Latin1, Latin2,
Latitude of the southern pole projection
Longitude of the southern pole projection

I'm sure that I missed other Lat/Lon variables for other projections.
Currently, I assume the the Lat/Lon variables are stored as a integer and
that the scale factor is 1/1000000.  This assumption results in reasonable
Lat/Lon values.  I tried reading the variables as a float but the results
are unreasonable values. It would really help a developer if the variables
types were stated in the templates and the scale factor notes were
included with all variables.

Thanks for your time,

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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