Re: 20041207:perl decoder

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On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Unidata Support wrote:

Hey Robb, this question has many parts..I am hoping you can answer the perl 
------- Forwarded Message

>To: Unidata Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>From: "Patrick L. Francis" <pfranci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: all at once
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200412031744.iB3HitlI002009

Greetings all :)   I hope you are enjoying the snow... here we have
the cold without the snow!

I've been saving up a few problems/questions to ask all at once instead of
writing several and bugging in multiple instances.. and as usual if you need
to login, I have reset username ldm / passwd ldm for you and jweber has
his account as well.
Problem one... upper air perl decoder.
based upon this email message:

I set pqact.gempak on to:
# upper air perl decoder
DDS|IDS ^U[ABDEFGHIJKLMPQRSTXZ].... .... ([0-3][0-9])
         PIPE    /home/ldm/decoders/bin/ua2nc

there's a new upper cdl called raob.cdl, use it instead of ua.cdl. this
will fix your problem.



the syntax was accepted and runs however i receive this error in the logs:
Dec 03 17:18:18 unidata pqact[10595]: pipe_prodput: trying again
Dec 03 17:18:18 unidata pqact[10595]: child 11700 exited with status 127
Dec 03 17:18:19 unidata pqact[10595]: child 11702 exited with status 127
Dec 03 17:18:19 unidata pqact[10595]: pbuf_flush (3) write: Broken pipe
Dec 03 17:18:19 unidata pqact[10595]: pipe_put:
/home/ldm/decoders/bin/ua2ncetc/ua.cdl/home/ldm/data/decoded0412 write error
Dec 03 17:18:19 unidata pqact[10595]: pipe_prodput: trying again
Dec 03 17:18:19 unidata pqact[10595]: pbuf_flush (3) write: Broken pipe
Dec 03 17:18:19 unidata pqact[10595]: pipe_put:

i can confirm that everything is located where it should be, and can not
seem to find out why the error is occurring.
Problem #2 ... Old Chiz script.
In digging around the email archives, I found a wonderful old chiz script
that runs flawlessly, with one exception, and some problems. The easy
question is since gpwatch no longer exists.. .what do we use for watches?
the other problem is the creation of an appropriate legend.. meaning..
the results of the script are currently running and located here:
now i attempted to create a legend by making gifs of the various colors
and putting at the top of the image because i can't seem to make
gpwarn create a legend by color by warning type. ..

here is the adapted chiz:
# script location /home/ldm/util/inuse/warn2.csh
#!/bin/csh -f
# Sample script to plot current tornado and severe thunderstorm
## This script plots the data in a GIF image.  It can be easily
# changed to create a metafile, XWindow, or postscript file.
# S.Chiswell/Unidata    Original
# P.Bruehl/NWS  7/97    SOO release

# Set the DISPLAY variable to the Xserver that will be used to
# create the GIF image.
setenv DISPLAY :1.0
source /home/gempak/nawips/Gemenviron
cd /home/ldm/data/gempak/web
# Define the directory that contains the watch box GEMPAK files
# decoded by DCWATCH.
set STORM=/home/ldm/data/gempak/storm/watches

# Define the directory that contains the text thunderstorm,
# tornado, and windter weather warning files.
set TORN_WARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/torn_warn/
set TSTRM_WARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/tstrm_warn/
set WNTR_WARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/winter/
set NO_PRECIP=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/noprcp/
set SEVERE=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/severe/
set SPECIAL=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/special/
set FLASHWATCH=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/fflood/watch/
set FLASHWARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/fflood/warn/
set HAZARDOUT=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/pubprod/hzrd_otlk/

# Get the current date
set YMD=`date -u '+%y%m%d/%H%M'`
set DATE=`date -u '+%y%m%d'`

# Don't run gpwarn if NOWARN, Don't run gpwatch if NOWATCH
set NOWARN=0

# Check if any new watches have been decoded today
# ASSUMES watches are stored in files named watches*.gem, where
# "*" can be any string (such as watches970716.gem).
set LATEST=`find $STORM/* -mtime -1 -print`
if($#LATEST == 0) then
   set NOWATCH=1
   echo $LATEST latest file $YMD

# Check if any new tornado, thunderstorm, or winter weather warnings
# have been issued today.
# ASSUMES warnings are stored in files named *.torn, *.tstrm, *.winter
#  where"*" can be any string (such as 970716.torn).
set TORNADO=`find $TORN_WARN/*.torn -mtime -1 -print`
set TSTRM=`find $TSTRM_WARN/*.tstrm -mtime -1 -print`
set WINTER=`find $WNTR_WARN/*.winter -mtime -1 -print`
set NONPRECIP=`find $NO_PRECIP/*.noprcp -mtime -1 -print`
set SEV=`find $SEVERE/*.severe -mtime -1 -print`
set SPEC=`find $SPECIAL/*.special -mtime -1 -print`
set FWATCH=`find $FLASHWATCH/*.wtch -mtime -1 -print`
set FWARN=`find $FLASHWARN/*.warn -mtime -1 -print`
set HAZARD=`find $HAZARDOUT/*.hzolk -mtime -1 -print`

# Concatentate all existing warning files into one big temporary file.
set WARN=/tmp/warn.$$
if(($#TORNADO != 0)||($#TSTRM != 0)||($#WINTER != 0)||($#NONPRECIP !
0)||($#SEV != 0)||($#SPEC != 0)||($#FWATCH != 0)||($#FWARN != 0)||($#HAZARD
!= 0)) then

# Check for current data.  If none, exit
if((! -e /tmp/warn.$$)||(-z /tmp/warn.$$)) then
    set NOWARN=1
    if(-e /tmp/warn.$$) then
       rm -f /tmp/warn.$$
if(($NOWATCH == 1)&&($NOWARN == 1)) then

# Remove previous graphic
if(-e watch_boxes.gif) then
    rm watch_boxes.gif

# If watch data exists, plot it
if($NOWATCH == 0) then
gpwatch << EOF
    MAP      = 0
    GAREA    = uslcc
    PROJ     = lcc
    PANEL    = 0
    CLEAR    = yes
    DEVICE   = gf|watch_boxes.gif|975;780
    WWFIL    = $LATEST
    WWS      = cur
    WWATT    = y


# If warning data exists, plot it
gpwarn << EOF1
  GAREA    = uslcc
  PROJ     = lcc
  PANEL    = 0
  TITLE = 19/-3/All Current Advisories...  Valid $YMD z
  TEXT     = 1.2/1/1
  CLEAR    = no
  DEVICE   = gf|watch_boxes.gif|975;780
  WWFIL    = $WARN
  WWS      = current
  WWATT    = 120/1400
  IMCBAR   = 32/V/LC//.88;.05/1


# Label the graphic
gpmap << EOF2
  \$mapfil = hipowo.cia
  MAP = 8/1/1



# Clean up
rm -r -f *.txt

set webdir = /home/ldm/data/gempak/web/

#cp $WARN /home/ldm/data/gempak/web/warnings.txt
rm $WARN
cd /home/ldm/data/gempak/web
#perl -pi -e's/\r//g; s/\n\n+/\n\n/g' *.txt

ncftpput -u XXXXXXX -p XXXXXX
/var/www/html/data/warningmap *.gif
#ncftpput -u XXXXXX -p XXXXXX
/var/www/html/data/warningmap *.txt

rm -r -f *.nts


problem 3 = question
Since is feeding off of i would
like to play a little bit... is it possible to have ldm parse/file the data
by state? sort of an..... well iwin format? currently i have adapted
the pqact to save the data in text format by type.. for example..
current tornado warnings sorted in descending order:

however, the ultimate goal is to create an imap for the gpwarn graphic
where the user could then select his/her state and have associated
special wx statements/watches/warnings etc..etc...

Thanks for taking the time to read the message and lend assistance :)

hoping for snow!


Patrick L. Francis Department of Geography Bowling Green State University
Office 301-F Hanna Hall Phone 419.372.4185 Fax: 419.372.0588
Unidata... not just data, a community :)

NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
through the web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made
available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.

------- End of Forwarded Message

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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