RE: 20040512: netCDF Decoders - Red Hat Linux - metar2nc errors

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I installed new versions of metar2nc, and metarWriter on
lead1. Currently they all seem to be behaving normally. I'll keep an eye on
them for a couple of days. Let me know if you see anything abnormal also.


On Wed, 12 May 2004, Tom Baltzer wrote:

Hi Robb,

You Wrote:
> Tom,
> I've encountered this problem with gribtonc, the actual NetCDF file was
> not created because there wasn't any space on the disk.

I don't think that the disk was full at the time it tried to write the file.
I've got the system configured to keep over 20 GB of available space.

> Then the decoder
> tries to write to the file which causes the following errors. Did you
> actually look at file, is it corrupt?

The file doesn't exist.  Same is the case of the second metar2nc process
that did this, the file it complained about doesn't exist either.

> What machine are
> you working on now?

> Robb...

Why do you suppose that pqact is spawning another metar2nc in this case?


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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