Re: 20020122: gribtonc decoder trouble

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On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Teresa Van Hove wrote:


THanks for the tips.  We were actually trying to get two diffent
files with different model times out of gribtonc and I'm wondering if this may be problematic.


This is not a problem, but you must have 2 pqact entries going to
different files.

We were trying to use this in the pqact.conf files HDS ^(H[HRT][I-P]A..) KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]).*(/mAVN|/mSSIAVN)
     PIPE      /usr/bin/gribtonc
     -q "lin,dlat=1.25,dlon=1.25"    /usr/etc/avn-1.25x1.25.cdl

HDS ^(H[HRT][I-P]C..) KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]).*(/mAVN|/mSSIAVN)
    PIPE      /usr/bin/gribtonc
    -q "lin,dlat=1.25,dlon=1.25"    /usr/etc/avn-1.25x1.25.cdl

We did continue getting normal looking files with the 1st call, but
the 2nd call resulted in problems.  We could use an alternate CPU
for the 2nd file we want if having 2 pipes into gribtonc with 2
separate output files is not doable.

I just noticed that both output files from the pqact entries  have
the same name. I believe that's the problem because one cannot have 2
pipes going to one file and get consistent results. One doesn't have to do
any special things, just 2 pqact entries going to different output
files should work fine.



Teresa Van Hove
Assoc Scientist II,

> Doug,
> > I not sure if the problem is the request is too strict or there is a
> problem with gribtonc. First, I would suggest making the request more
> liberal and see if the fields are populated. If that doesn't help then I
> would have to check if the data is being processed correctly via gribtonc.
> > Here's a more liberal request: > > HDS ^(H[HRT][I-P][C-Z]..) KWB. > > [C-Z] should give all the forecasts, some params are only on certain
> forecasts, etc.
> > Here's the pqact entry from motherlode for the raw data: > > # Spectral grids - grids A,B,C,D Global grid Forecasts (wind & waves,
> temperature)
> ##
> HRS     ^H[A-Z][ABCD][A-Z][0-9][0-9] KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])..
>         FILE
>         data/pub/raw/hrs/model/spectral/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2_WAVE.wmo
> > Robb... > > >
> > (Note the C instead of the A in the first part of the regular expression
> > on the first line).  This seems to result in lots of empty netcdf
> > files--files with all headers and attributes but no data.  How does one
> > get AVN forecast data via LDM?
> >

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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