Re: ceiling data

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I wrote the metar2nc decoder over 5 years ago, can't say that I know the
details about variables now. But here's URL to the metar handbook:

Look at section 9 for your answers.  Also if you find any discrepanies
between the handbook and the code, I would like to know.


On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Kevin Petty wrote:

I am interested in ceiling and visibility data and I am
using the metar2nc decoders to create netCDF files.
When I do a ncdump on the netCDF files I see very few
values for the ceiling variable. I notice that
there is a cloud_hgt variable...should I be looking
at this variable instead? What is the difference between
these two variables in the netCDF files.


Kevin Petty

Kevin Petty
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Applications Program                Wk Ph. 303-497-2806
P.O. Box 3000                                Fax.   303-497-8401
Boulder, CO. 80307                           E-mail: kpetty@xxxxxxxx

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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