Re: Subroutine to convert arrays of numbers to string arrays

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On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Steve Diggs wrote:


This is a 'quick-hack' subroutine to take those arrays of short integers
that used to be string arrays in netCDF into a Perl array of strings.  No
error checking (which could be added).

Let me know if you find this tool useful.


It's a good idea to use pack, but I think the return should of been of
type string not array. The reason is perl uses string vs array.  It
wouldn't be hard to change. Good idea though.


Steve Diggs                                     Voice: (858)534-1108
Scripps Institution of Oceanography             FAX  : (858)534-7383
WOCE Hydrographic Program Office/STS            EMAIL: sdiggs@xxxxxxxx
9500 Gilman Drive                               WWW  :
La Jolla, CA 92093-0214

#--> This subroutine will take in a null padded array of numerical
#--> CHARS into an array of strings.  Takes the array as input, output
#--> in an array of strings.
#--> S. Diggs: 1999.11.22
sub num_to_string_array {

my $string_sect = pack('C*', @_);
my @new_dum = split /\000+/,$string_sect;
my @return_array = @new_dum;

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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