Re: Stupid question, but I am lost..

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On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Rodrigo Zerlotti wrote:

Sorry if this is trivial, but I am just a amateur trying to understand
this decoders.

My goal is to get a raw METAR data and translate is to "plain" English.
I installed all the decoders package, including "metar2nc", which I
thought may be what I needed.

I ran the test, everything ok, but I don't know what to do next.

I think the process is:
1. get the rawdata (metar)
2. pass it thru metar2nc to convert to .nc file
3. do something with the .nc file to see the result

Any help, directions will be greatly appreciated.



Your assumptions are correct, the details are in
README.perldecoders file that contains instructions included with
the release.  If you use the -v flag then the log file will contain ascii
description of the decoder variables.


3) General operations notes:

i) metar2nc [-v] metar.cdl [dataDir] [yymm] uses station file: sfmetar_sa.tbl

ii) buoy2nc [-v] buoy.cdl [dataDir]
iii) ua2nc [-v] ua.cdl [dataDir] [yymm]
       uses station file: snworld.tbl

iv) syn2nc [-v] syn.cdl [dataDir] [yymm] uses station file: systns_upc.tbl


-v Verbose flag; logs each expanded report in log file. Use for testing only; creates large log files. cdl file Required, contains all the meteorological variables; self documenting.

dataDir Data directory; default is current directory. For netCDF output files.
  yymm      The year and month; default is current year and month.

  Decoders expect input on stdin, exit in 20 minutes if no activity.

  Decoders create files ending with 'lst' that designate the list of
currently processed reports and the record number in the file. Each decoder also creates files ending with '' that show the status of the decoder. The data files have the following format:

            yymmddhh_{decoder name}.nc


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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