Re: 19990314: Grib to Netcdf - gribtonc converter

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On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Unidata Support wrote:

>To: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>From: Frank Peacock <peacock@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Grib to Netcdf - gribtonc converter
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199903141440.HAA11872

Hello Sir

I am experiencing some difficulties in converting AVN-thinned gridded Grib
data to Netcdf format.
I am attempting to extract certain fields of information from a set of 8
thinned grids and to convert them into Netcdf format into a single file. At
present I am unsure of the best software to achieve this and have
experienced difficulties with certain software.


I used the gribtonc program to convert Grib files to Netcdf files.

This sounds that gribtonc was successful in creating netcdf files?
Therefore the utility ncdump displayed the netcdf files properly.  Using
ncdump is the data correct?

I use> two programs to manipulate this Netcdf file and experienced difficulties.

Firstly, the program cdf2fortran (released by CIDS). I tried to read the
Netcdf file using cdf2fortran. The compilation gave an error NCAGTC: : In
Fortran, string too short

The cdf2fortran program is expecting netcdf variable definitions that
don't match the netCDF input file definitions.  I would check that the
input cdl file variables matches the requirements of cdf2fortran program.

Secondly, the GrADS program. I concatenated the Grib files into a single
Grib file and then using the gribtonc program to create a Netcdf file which
has data over a global grib. I then tried to display variables over the
whole grid and found that for longitudes east of 180 degrees east and west
of 30 degrees west that the data was not plotted. I noticed that at 180
degrees east the contour lines wrapped over to 30 degrees west.

I'm not sure if this is a gribtonc problem or not, I would have to do some

I can't really look into this until Mar 22 because I'm out of the office.
Keep me updated on your progress.


Are the two problems above linked to the gribtonc conversion?

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you

Frank Peacock
Penn State University

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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