Re: [awips2-users] Status of GOES-16 imagery on cloud server?


Thanks for your insight.  What would it take to get the Windows client up to 
the same standards as Mac & Linux? Do more resources need to be allocated by 
Unidata to help achieve this goal?  Would others in the Unidata community 

Brendon Hoch, M.S.
MSC 48, Boyd Science Center
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH 03264

From: awips2-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
<awips2-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Michael James 
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 2:12 PM
To: Christopher Hennon
Cc: awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [awips2-users] Status of GOES-16 imagery on cloud server?

Hi Chris,

The Windows client does not include the latest update or the GOES-R display 
plugins.  I've been unable to release a working 17.1.1 Windows client and have 
shelved it for now, only supporting updates on Mac and Linux.

Because of this, I can not recommend Windows workstations for AWIPS at this 
time.  CentOS 6 or 7 Linux, or macOS, are the only currently supported 
operating systems for CAVE.   I feel bad leaving that 16.2.2 Windows client out 
there but to download and install but having an old client available is better 
than no client available.

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 11:51 AM, Christopher Hennon 
<chennon@xxxxxxxx<mailto:chennon@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Thanks for the reply about GOES-16.  I have a couple of follow up questions.  
We have not been able to load GOES-16 on our Windows clients - is the Windows 
client theoretically able to load the images?  At first I suspected it was a 
performance issue with our machines (they are 4 years old) but I just tested it 
on a newer machine and it still wouldn't go. The images load nicely on the 
Linux clients.

Related to that, we are about to purchase new lab machines (Windows) and I want 
to ensure that they will be able to run CAVE efficiently.  I can't find the 
Windows system requirements anymore.  Can you tell me what configuration I 
should be shooting for with the new machines?  We're going to have them for 
four years.


On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 11:04 AM, Michael James 
<mjames@xxxxxxxx<mailto:mjames@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
HI Chris,

Though the server is ingesting GOES-16, the current CAVE for Linux release is 
behind and does not have the menu selections for operational GOES-16, still 

All of the channels and products can still be found in the "Product Browser" 
view until the next release is out.

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 7:36 AM, Christopher Hennon 
<chennon@xxxxxxxx<mailto:chennon@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:

What is the current status of viewing GOES-16 imagery from<>?  Most of my 
links appear to point toward GOES-13 imagery from early January. Others point 
to no data at all. Running CAVE 17.1.1 on a Red Hat machine.



Dr. Christopher C. Hennon
Chair and Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
UNC Asheville

1 University 
CPO #2450
Asheville, NC 28804

1.828.232.5159<tel:(828)%20232-5159> (phone)
1.828.232.5046<tel:(828)%20232-5046> (fax)

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Dr. Christopher C. Hennon
Chair and Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
UNC Asheville

1 University 
CPO #2450
Asheville, NC 28804

1.828.232.5159<tel:(828)%20232-5159> (phone)
1.828.232.5046<tel:(828)%20232-5046> (fax)

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