September-October 1997 Action Items

Action 1:
A Policy Committee working group will be formed to address the Outstanding Participation Awards program. The working group's task is to draft an awards procedure before the next Policy Committee meeting. Working group members are: Mohan Ramamurthy, John Merrill, Ben Domenico, and Sally Bates.

Done. See PolCom May 98 Summary Resolution 5.

Note that Resolution 2 from this meeting is an action item as well:

Resolution 2 (passed unanimously):

A. The Unidata Program Center will coordinate with one or two IDD sites to have them obtain NCEP grids from the OSO servers and distribute the grids to the community via the IDD. Unidata participants will be informed when the grids are available via the IDD. Assessment of the impact of IDD distribution on the OSO server would be useful.

B. The Unidata Program Center should continue to work with NCEP and the USWRP to develop, maintain, and evolve a mechanism for distributing data via the IDD.

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