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[netCDF #BNK-726522]: netCDF General - Netcdf under Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

> Institution: Airbus
> Package Version: 3.6.1
> Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4
> Hardware Information: PC Pentium4
> Inquiry: Hello
> I am trying to use some netcdf subroutines from Microsoft Visual C++6.0, and 
> I am unable to make it works. I have tried to install it as you explain, with 
> the dll library, but it does not work (it cannot find the netcdf.h file). I 
> have also tried to do it with the source files, but some compilation errors 
> appear and it seems not to be a solution.
> If we use the netcdf.h file the error message is as following:
> "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _nc_open"
> But if we add some other files, different errors appear.
> Could you explain step by step, what do I need to do in order to be able to 
> execute some netcdf subroutines from my own code?
> Thank you in advance
> Best regards
> Daniel

Have you seen:

Have you tried opening the solution file in the win32/NET of the source 
distribution? (You must get the netcdf-3 snapshot distribution for this. Get it 
here: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/builds/snapshot/)

If you build the solution it will build and run several tests, all of which 
link to the netCDF library.

Finding the .h file and the libraries is a function of your development 
environment. In visual studio, you open the properties window of your project, 
then select the C/C++ preprocessor tab, and there is a way to set which 
directories are searched for .h files, etc. 



Ticket Details
Ticket ID: BNK-726522
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed