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Re: 20030307: netCDF library

>To: address@hidden
>From: Jiping Lu <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20030307: netCDF library
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200303052120.h25LKu328115

Hi Jiping Lu,

> I did some thing like this:
> Edited  ~/wrf/WRFV1/main/Makefile, where error occurred when compile wrf.
> at line  LIBPATHS =
> Added this: LIBPATHS = -L$/lib -lnetcdf

Sorry, that won't work.  The "$" won't be expanded to a directory
name, and will just disappear, since it is not followed by a single
letter or a macro name enclosed in () or {}.  The macros in Makefiles
are not the same as environment variables like $HOME, even though the
syntax looks similar.  I recommend that you just put the absolute path
of your home directory there, something like:

  LIBPATHS = -L/home/jiping/lib -lnetcdf

if your home directory happens to be "/home/jiping" and you have
installed the netCDF libraries in "/home/jiping/lib".  If you have the
library installed in "/home/jiping/netcdf/netcdf-3.5.0/lib", then use
that after "-L" instead.

> ( if I do   LIBPATHS = -L$(Home)/netcdf/netcdf-3.5.0/lib -lnetcdf, I'll get
> same error like last time "   f90 -o wrf.exe  wrf.o libwrflib.a
> ../frame/internal_header_util.o
> ../frame/pack_utils.o         ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol
> "ext_ncd_get_dom_ti_real_" -- 1st referenced by
> ibwrflib.a(module_io.o)."  )

Also not that $(HOME) is not the same as $(Home) in a Makefile.  Upper
and lower case define different macro names.

> then at line:
>       $(FC) -o wrf.exe $(LDFLAGS) wrf.o libwrflib.a $(LIB)
> added LIBPATHS  at the end :
>       $(FC) -o wrf.exe $(LDFLAGS) wrf.o libwrflib.a $(LIB) $(LIBPATHS)
> I also setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $(NETCDFPATH)/lib, but I still got error at
> same place:
>       f90 -o wrf.exe  wrf.o libwrflib.a ../frame/internal_header_util.o
> ../frame/pack_utils.o -L/lib -lnetcdf
> ld32: FATAL   9  : I/O error (-lnetcdf): No such file or directory
> *** Error code 2 (bu21) (ignored)
>       ( cd run ; /bin/rm -f wrf.exe ; ln -sf ../main/wrf.exe . )

You can see from the above that "-L$/lib" just became "-L/lib" when
the empty macro "$" was expanded, so the compiler couldn't find the
library in "/lib".  You should not need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH if you
link statically to the netcdf library.

> Do I need to do "include $(NETCDFPATH) " in that Makefile?
> My administrator doesn't allow me to install NetCDF in root directory,
> unless there is no other way around. Thanks a million!

No, just get the LIBPATHS macro defined correctly and things should
work.  If you have other problems with the WRF Makefiles, you'll need
to consult with the WRF support staff.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://my.unidata.ucar.edu