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Re: 20010717: F90 interface (typeSizes.mod)?


Sorry, here's the newer makefile.


include ../macros.make

# Override the definition for "ncdump" in "../macros.make".
NCDUMP          = ../ncdump/ncdump

LIBRARY         = ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a
LIB_OBJS        = netcdf.o typeSizes.o
GARBAGE         = netcdf_test *.mod example.nc example.cdl \
MANUAL          = netcdf.3f90
                Makefile \
                NOTES \
                Readme \
                f90aux.m4 \
                example_good.cdl \
                gen.m4 \
                netcdf.3f90 \
                netcdf.f90 \
                netcdf_attributes.f90 \
                netcdf_constants.f90 \
                netcdf_dims.f90 \
                netcdf_expanded.f90 \
                netcdf_externals.f90 \
                netcdf_file.f90 \
                netcdf_overloads.f90 \
                netcdf_test.f90 \
                netcdf_text_variables.f90 \
                netcdf_variables.f90 \
                netcdf_visibility.f90 \
                nvea.m4 nveaput48.m4 nveaget48.m4\
                nves.m4 nvesput48.m4 nvesget48.m4 \

all:            $(LIBRARY)

test:           netcdf_test
        @./netcdf_test; \
        $(NCDUMP) example.nc >example.cdl; \
        if cmp example_good.cdl example.cdl; then \
            echo '*** Success ***'; \
        else \
            echo '*** Failure ***'; \
            diff -c example_good.cdl example.cdl; \

netcdf_test:    netcdf_test.f90 netcdf.o typeSizes.o
        $(LINK.F90) netcdf_test.f90 netcdf.o typeSizes.o $(LIBRARY) $(F90LIBS)

testEightByteGet:       testEightByteGet.o typeSizes.o $(LIBRARY)
        $(LINK.F90) $@.o $(F90LIBS) typeSizes.o $(LIBRARY)

EightByteIntTest:       EightByteIntTest.o typeSizes.o
        $(LINK.F90) $@.o typeSizes.o $(F90LIBS)

EightByteIntTest-2:     EightByteIntTest-2.o typeSizes.o
        $(LINK.F90) $@.o typeSizes.o $(F90LIBS)

typeSizes.o:    typeSizes.f90
        $(COMPILE.F90) typeSizes.f90

netcdf_expanded.f90:    gen.m4 f90aux.m4 nves.m4 nvea.m4 \
                        nvesput48.m4 nvesget48.m4 nveaput48.m4 nveaget48.m4
        $(M4) gen.m4 >$@

netcdf.o:       \
            netcdf.f90 typeSizes.o netcdf_constants.f90 netcdf_externals.f90 \
            netcdf_overloads.f90 netcdf_visibility.f90 netcdf_file.f90 \
            netcdf_dims.f90 netcdf_attributes.f90 netcdf_variables.f90 \
            netcdf_text_variables.f90 netcdf_expanded.f90
        $(COMPILE.F90) netcdf.f90

install:        installed_netcdf_module installed_typesizes_module \

        @if test -f netcdf.mod; then \
            header=netcdf.mod; \
        elif test -f NETCDF.mod; then \
            header=NETCDF.mod; \
        elif test -f NETCDF.MOD; then \
            header=NETCDF.MOD; \
        elif test -f netcdf.MOD; then \
            header=netcdf.MOD; \
        else \
            echo 1>&2 "netCDF header-module not found"; \
            exit 1; \
        fi; \
        $(MAKE) HEADER=$$header $(INCDIR)/$$header

        @if test -f typesizes.mod; then \
            header=typesizes.mod; \
        elif test -f typeSizes.mod; then \
            header=typeSizes.mod; \
        elif test -f TYPESIZES.mod; then \
            header=TYPESIZES.mod; \
        elif test -f TYPESIZES.MOD; then \
            header=TYPESIZES.MOD; \
        elif test -f typeSizes.MOD; then \
            header=typeSizes.MOD; \
        elif test -f typesizes.MOD; then \
            header=typesizes.MOD; \
        else \
            echo 1>&2 "typeSizes header-module not found"; \
            exit 1; \
        fi; \
        $(MAKE) HEADER=$$header $(INCDIR)/$$header

        -rm -f \
            $(INCDIR)/netcdf.mod \
            $(INCDIR)/NETCDF.mod \
            $(INCDIR)/NETCDF.MOD \
            $(INCDIR)/netcdf.MOD \
            $(INCDIR)/typesizes.mod \
            $(INCDIR)/typeSizes.mod \
            $(INCDIR)/TYPESIZES.mod \
            $(INCDIR)/TYPESIZES.MOD \
            $(INCDIR)/typeSizes.MOD \
            $(INCDIR)/typesizes.MOD \

include ../rules.make

.SUFFIXES:      .o .f90

        $(COMPILE.F90) $<

EightByteIntTest.o:     typeSizes.o
EightByteIntTest-2.o:   typeSizes.o