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Re: A preliminary matlab interface for FAN

> From: "Philip W. Miller" <address@hidden>
> To: netcdfgroup <address@hidden>
> Subject: A preliminary matlab interface for FAN

Hi Phil,

> I have written a preliminary version of a matlab/fan interface.  The two
> utilities, nc2mat and mat2nc, are mex-file analogs to the fan utilities
> nc2text and text2nc.  I would like to submit it for inclusion in the
> netcdf contrib library if there is interest.  These utilities supplement
> the capabilities of the existing mexcdf in much the same way that fan
> supplements the netcdf library.

This seems quite useful, from your description.  If you would be willing
to package the utilities up as a single software distribution, I'd be
happy to make the package available in the netcdf contrib library.

Also, if you want to keep up-to-date information about your package
available to users, you might want to consider putting up a web page
that will have the latest information about availability, updates, etc.
It may be overkill for a small package, but if a URL was available, we
could put a pointer to it in our list of netCDF-related software at


Anyway, thanks for your efforts and for your generosity in contributing
the software to netCDF users.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu