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Re: netcdf and compilers

> Organization: Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada
> Keywords: 199404141846.AA20627

Hi Jim,

> Thanks for the info.  I have downloaded the DOS netCDF and XDR
> libraries from the above mentioned places.  When I tried to
> compile a simple Fortran program, I received a list of errors
> with "unresolved externals".  It seems that my fortran program
> is trying to call the fortran named routines in the library
> files but the module names in the libraries are the C version.
> Is there another compiled library for Fortran calls or am I 
> completely "off" in my thinking?

My answer was incomplete, because I forgot to mention the names of the DOS
object files needed for the Fortran interface, available via anonymous FTP
from the same directory where you got the netCDF and XDR libraries.  You
will need to download the files JACKETS.OBJ and FSLEN.OBJ.  If you intend to
write Fortran programs that call the netCDF library, you will also need to
get the file NETCDF.INC.

Here's a description of all the files in the /pub/netcdf/msdos/ directory on
ftp.unidata.ucar.edu.  (I've just added this description to the README file
in that directory.)

XDR.LIB         The XDR library for MSDOS platforms (compiled with
                Microsoft C), required by the netCDF library.

NETCDF.LIB      The netCDF library for MSDOS platforms (compiled with
                Microsoft C), containing all the C-callable netCDF
                interfaces.  This is required for the Fortran interface as
                well, since the Fortran netCDF subprograms call the C netCDF

NETCDF.H        The header file for the C interface.  This should be
                #included in C programs that call netCDF functions.

JACKETS.OBJ     The Fortran interface for netCDF for MSDOS platforms
                (compiled with Microsoft C).

FSLEN.OBJ       A small compiled function required for the Fortran netCDF
                interface when using Microsoft compilers to facilitate
                calling C programs for Fortran.
NETCDF.INC      The include file for the Fortran interface. This should be
                included in Fortran programs that call netCDF subroutines to
                provide the necessary declarations.
NCDUMP.EXE      An MSDOS executable of the NCDUMP program for converting
                netCDF files to ASCII form.

NCGEN.EXE       An MSDOS executable of the NCGEN program for compileing
                netCDF descriptions or generating entCDF files from ASCII
Russ Rew                                              UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                        P.O. Box 3000
(303)497-8645                                 Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000