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Re: netCDF on Cray Y-MP test error

> Organization: JPL
> Keywords: 199404071908.AA08970

Hi Jack,

> This morning I ftp ed a copy of netcdf.tar.Z and procedec to try to do a
> make on a Cray Y-MP running Unicos 7.0. The "make all" went without a
> hitch but the "make test" had troubles finding "errno" which I have
> determined exists in libc.a.
> If you can give me any suggestions on how to proceed, it would be
> much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jack Miller
> address@hidden
> Below is the output from the "make test"
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------
> making `test' in directory /usr/tmp/miller/new/netcdf-2.3.2/xdr
>       cc -c -I/usr/include/rpc -DNDEBUG -O xdrtest.c
> cc -O xdrtest.o -o xdrtest
>       ./xdrtest > xdrtest_out.new
> diff xdrtest_out.new testout.sav
> *** XDR passes formatted test ***
> cmp test.xdr test_xdr.sav
> *** XDR passes binary test ***
> returning to directory /usr/tmp/miller/new/netcdf-2.3.2
> making `test' in directory /usr/tmp/miller/new/netcdf-2.3.2/libsrc
>       cc -c   -DNDEBUG -O cdftest.c
>       ar rcuv libnetcdf.a array.o attr.o cdf.o dim.o file.o iarray.o error.o  
> globdef.o putget.o putgetg.o sharray.o string.o var.o  xdrposix.o
> cc -O cdftest.o libnetcdf.a -o cdftest
>  ldr-133 cc: WARNING 
>      Unsatisfied external references have been encountered.
>  Unsatisfied external references
>  Entry name      Modules referencing entry 
>  errno           cdftest$c

I'm afraid I don't understand this, unless it's a bug in the Unicos 7.0
linker or libraries.  cdftest.c has the statement

        #include <errno.h>

You could try manually executing the line

        cc -O cdftest.o libnetcdf.a -o cdftest -lc

just to make sure it loads from libc.  Another possible thing to try is
using "bld" instead of "ar" to make the library archives, since the Cray
SEGLDR(1) document apparently recommends that.  Finally, you might ask our
mutual friend Dick valent (address@hidden) about how he built it,
since he reports having successfully built and installed netcdf 2.3.2 on a
CRAY YMP in January of this year.  I don't know whether he was using Unicos
7.0 at the time, though.

If this doesn't help, I'll try logging into shavano to see whether they are
running 7.0 and try to track down the problem.  I need an excuse to log in
at least once a year anyway :-).

Say hello to Barb!  (If that's not inappropriate.)
