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script question


I have been tinkering around with the script you gave me
a while back. I have attached it below. It seems to run
fine with no errors however, I notice when I display the
new calculated grdnam (stbc) in gdprof it outputs a
level of 975mb for den. Using garp and looking at
the pres@0%none (station pressure), I can see that the
station pressure for den is less than 900mb. I would think
that the first level displayed in the output file from gdprof
would less than the station pressure. I am thinking about
this correctly? I have attached my gdprof.csh and its output
as well.

Thank you again,



set GDFILE=/data1/gempak/grids/99061412_eta.gem
#set FHRS=("f00" "f06" "f12" "f18" "f24" "f30" "f36" "f42" "f48")

  $GEMDATA/gddiag << EOF1
  gdfile  = $GDFILE
  gdoutf  = $GDFILE
  gdattim = f00
  gfunc   = pres
  glevel  = 0
  gvcord  = none
  grdnam  = pres@0%pres


set GLEV1 = 1000
while($GLEV1 > 100)
  @ GLEV2 = $GLEV1 - 50
  @ GLEVA = $GLEV1 + $GLEV2
  @ GLEVA = $GLEVA / 2

  $GEMEXE/gddiag << EOF2
  gdfile  = $GDFILE
  gdoutf  = $GDFILE
  gfunc   = stab(tmpc)
  gdattim = f00
  glevel  = ${GLEV1}:${GLEV2}
  gvcord  = pres
  grdnam  = stbc@${GLEVA}

  @ GLEV1 = $GLEV1 - 50

end   #end while GLEV
#end  #foreach FHR

rm *.nts

#!/bin/csh -v

   $GEMEXE/gdprof <<EOF
   gpoint  = den
   gdattim = f00
   gvcord  = pres
   gfunc   = stbc
   gvect   = wnd
   gdfile  = /data1/gempak/grids/99072012_eta.gem
   line    = 5
   marker  = 0
   border  = 1
   ptype   = log
   scale   = 0
   xaxis   = -15/10/5
   yaxis   = 1000/100/100
   wind    = bm6//2
   refvec  =
   winpos  = 1
   filter  = 0
   title   = 1/3/~ @ Stability Profile     ! 0
   panel   = 0
   clear   = yes
   text    = 1
   device  = xw
   output  = f/dumb
   thtaln  =
   thteln  =
   mixrln  =


rm *.nts


                  PRES                  STBC
                 975.00               -6.470
                 925.00               -5.993
                 875.00               -7.307
                 825.00               -3.994
                 775.00               -4.346
                 725.00               -5.697
                 675.00               -5.752
                 625.00               -6.031
                 575.00               -6.694
                 525.00               -6.726
                 475.00               -6.902
                 425.00               -6.533
                 375.00               -6.664
                 325.00               -7.174
                 275.00               -7.095
                 225.00               -7.937
                 175.00               -6.247
                 125.00               -0.153

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You mentioned in a prior email if I explained to you how
I wanted to calculate mixing depth, you may be able to
give me some assistance with scripting. An idea I have
been considering is comparing two forecast hours.
I am using strictly the eta model. My thoughts were
if I could somehow take the 2m hagl tmpk say at the
f06 and raise it adiabatically and as that tmpk is being
raised, I would like to compare those temp values to the
tmpk values from f00 at various altitudes above ground.
If the lifted adiabatic air from f06 intersects or becomes
cooler than the tmpk from the f00, I could say that
intersection (altitude) is a tentative mixing height.
Would you know of way do this calculation for a chosen
grid area? Let me know when you have a chance.

Thank you,
Matt Fearon