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[CONDUIT #WGH-452695]: LDM/PQACT incantation for CONDUIT 0.5deg GFS

> With a pair of tropical storms bearing down on us, I've now forgotten
> how to snag all the GFS 0.5 deg products and concatenate them into a
> consistent grib2 3-hourly file.  Could I beg for some help?
> Thanks gerry


The cannonical naming is provided on the conduit web page:

To file individual times into separate grib files, something like:

CONDUIT <tab> (gfs)\.(..........)/.*(pgrb2)(.*) !.*!
<tab> FILE <tab>  data/\1/\2\4.\3

Note that the forecast time matched by field 4 above can be either
"anl", "fxx", or "fxxx"  so you have both 2 and 3 digit hour possibilities
as well as the string "anl". The important part above is to use the "pgrb2"
string in the pattern which will only match the 0.5 degree files in grib2
as the 1.0 degree and 2.5 degree files are "pgrb" without the version 2.

The decoding in GEMPAK is as simple as sending gfs.*pgrb2 to dcgrib2
as shown in the $NAWIPS/ldm/etc/templates/pqact.gempak_decoders.in file.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WGH-452695
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed