Re: [galeon] [WCS-1.2.swg] OGC Asynchronous responses

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Dear Jon,

Thank you for your comment.  Your note about the 
asynchronous-interaction-with-storage case difference in respect to WPS is 

Actually, that point was long discussed and only in the last document version 
the sequence diagram was changed. In fact, the discussion paper was not limited 
to WPS.  However, In my opinion, it is worthy to further analyze the 
implications of both salutations.

Best regards,


Dear Stefano,

This looks good to me.  My only comment is about the details of the
asynchronous-interaction-with-storage case (the last case).  The
sequence diagram shows multiple GETs on the resourceURI.  My
understanding of WPS (which may be faulty) is that the first GET is on
the resourceURI, which results in an ExecuteResponse document (as you
say).  The ER document contains a new URI which can be polled to get
status information.  Therefore it's my understanding that subsequent
GETs will be on this new URI and will return an updated ER document
(with status code 200 OK) until the document shows progress=complete.

However, this might just be my interpretation, and I am not up to
speed with WPS.

Best wishes,

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