Re: [galeon] WCS CF-netCDF profile document

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Hi Peter,

The second case (which I thought might attract comment) was motivated
by 2 things (sorry, I know I'm repeating earlier posts here):

1) Mapping GetCoverage parameters to OPeNDAP is likely to be
non-trivial (as Bruce says) and I think they actually represent two
rather separate ways of accessing data, aimed at different
applications and users.  Roughly speaking, I see GetCoverage as being
most suitable when the user knows what CRS and resolution he/she wants
the data to be in, but accepts that the server will generally have to
interpolate to fulfil the request.  OPeNDAP is more suitable when the
user wants the data in as close to the original form as possible,
accepting that this has consequences of increased complexity.  If all
our data were on regular lat-lon grids (or even if they were in the
"GIS standard" projections defined by EPSG codes) the job would be
easier, but it's a lot more complicated than that.

2) The ocean community lacks a means of describing coverages in an
interoperable way (which is one reason why Stefano's document will be
important).  Hence I think that WCS GetCapabilities and
DescribeCoverage could be useful, even if the coverage is ultimately
accessed by other means.

Norman (or anyone else): how does this relate to the JPEG2000/JPIP
situation?  Does a JPIP stream point to an entire coverage or a
coverage subset?

why then use a WCS at all?
This is the core of the whole thing.  As I've said from the beginning,
we need to understand what WCS is likely to be useful for, and what it
isn't.  We can't assume that it will solve all our problems for us,
and neither can we assume that it will be irrelevant.  I would vote
for spending a while focussing on this question and not the technical
details of how we can push all our information through a WCS
interface.  I look forward to Ben and Stefano's document on the
subject! ;-)

Cheers, Jon

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 12:44 PM, Peter Baumann
<p.baumann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jon,

a really interesting discussion has evolved here.
Let me throw in my 2 cents from a WCS perspective:

Jon Blower wrote:

Hi Steve, Stefano, John et al.,

This looks like a good starting point for harmonization.  John Caron
described one method of bridging between WCS and OPeNDAP:

1) Client discovers Coverage somehow
2) Client gets description of coverage via DescribeCoverage()
3) Client calls GetCoverage()
4) Server returns OPeNDAP URL to the result

this fits nicely with one of the packaging alternatives we have in planning:
GetCoverage response is an XML structure containing URLs to coverages for
subsequent download by the client.
Let me point out that many WCS users very much want a "single file"
response, that is: direct delivery of the encoded file. By using WCS &
GetCoverage you get such access variants in an interoperable way.

Another alternative (to complement, not replace, the above) might be
to bypass GetCoverage() altogether:

1) Client discovers Coverage somehow
2) Client gets description of coverage via DescribeCoverage().
Description includes OPeNDAP URL to entire Coverage.
3) Client opts to use OPeNDAP to access subsets, without calling
GetCoverage() at all.  A client might choose this so that it can
access more precise subsets, accepting the extra complexity.

hm, this seems to employ WCS just as a catalog lookup service - why then use
a WCS at all?
Probably you would need to define some structure on the free metadata part
so that the extra info becomes useful.
In the end, you define another access protocol = standard.


What do others think of this?

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