Re: [awips2-users] Automatic Clearing of AWIPS II's memory for prolonged use.

  • To: Michael James <mjames@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [awips2-users] Automatic Clearing of AWIPS II's memory for prolonged use.
  • From: "Capehart, William J" <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 14:36:47 +0000
HI Mike:

I was able to get a few more hours of time with CAVE-D2D by increasing the 
memory but the creep of accumulated data no longer used since it’s deep in the 
past still slowly builds.   We set the regional settings to State (for UNR)  
which I assume only captures a subset of the memory-heavy data but we still 
have to start things over with a fresh CAVE-D2D run.


Bill Capehart <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>   Associate Professor
Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences            Program Director
Civil and Environmental Engineering             Hydrometeorology
201 Mineral Industries Building
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology     Skype: wcapehart
501 East Saint Joseph Street                 Ph: +1-605-394-1994
Rapid City, SD 57701-3995                Mobile: +1-605-484-5692
=================== ==================

From: Michael James <mjames@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 10:20 MDT
To: William Capehart <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [awips2-users] Automatic Clearing of AWIPS II's memory for 
prolonged use.

Hi Bill,

Are you seeing this memory warning with D2D or NCP or both?  Dev comments note 
that  "perspectives can override the default behavior to take more extreme 
actions to reduce memory usage", but it's not clear if or how this is done by 
D2D or NCP (I'm looking into it).

A solution is to increase the maximum memory available to CAVE by changing 
"-Xmx" in /awips2/cave/cave.ini


This 6GB max will be the new default in future CAVE releases (beginning with 
16.2.2), which will hopefully prevent this warning message.

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO

On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Capehart, William J 
<William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
We’ve been exploring the [mis]use of AWIPS II as a substitute for NAWIPS in our 
department hall display for radar/satellite and obs.

The display is more than satisfactory for several hours especially with the use 
of both radar and satellite (as well as watches and warning) on the same 
display screen.  But at the end of this grace period we are hitting a memory 
“rope limit” that results in a dialog box shown before.

“This CAVE is nearing its maximum memory limit.  Performance may degrade 
significantly 50MB available.  Consider closing tabs, clearing panes or 
reducing the frame count to free up memory”

(this happens with even modest frame counts).

Can AWIPS automatically clear its cache of by-past images that are outside of 
the current data display window?  I presume that this is how NAWIPS did this.

Cheers and Thanks
Bill Capehart <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>>   
Associate Professor
Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences            Program Director
Civil and Environmental Engineering             Hydrometeorology
201 Mineral Industries Building
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology     Skype: wcapehart
501 East Saint Joseph Street                 Ph: 
Rapid City, SD 57701-3995                Mobile: 
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