[wxp] Global satellite images

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I'm trying to generate large-ish (ideally 1280x986) images for display on
large screens our department recently bought.  One of the images I wanted to
put up was a global satellite view.  Using the command:

xsat  -ge=1280x968 -if=sat_ir_g -cu=la -de=d

I get the data and the map plotted in separate parts of the plot, as seen


Is this a limitation of the global satellite files that come in off the IDD
or is there something I can do to force it to work?


P.S.  Version 5.46-Linux-X11

Ben Cotton
Unix Systems Administrator
Department of Earth and
  Atmospheric Sciences
Purdue University

CIVL 4212
O: 765-49-61546
C: 765-404-7986

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