Re: [wcsplus] [galeon] WCS 1.0 Plus philosophy and objectives

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Hi Phil et. al. coastal modelers & Alexey,

This email thread seems like a good time to introduce you to Alexey Voinov, just recently brought on board by NOS to pick up on the work started at the unstructured grid workshop. Alexey has taken over the unstructured grid community tasks that Tom previously held.

Alexey, sorry if this introduction wouldn't pass muster with Emily Post :-[ . This email thread may help to plug you into the network of energetic coastal modelers and hopefully restart the dialog on unstructured grids in CF.

   - Steve


Philip Bogden wrote:
Ben (All),

David & Gerry are hitting the issue we're up against with the coastal modelers involved in the SCOOP program at SURA. As you know, this is the relevant initiative that relates to CF: trac/wiki/BoulderWorkshop. And you probably also know that David & Gerry are part of the team that includes several folks on the attendee list for that workshop. A few others are gaining interest. Tom Gross had an important leadership role in the CF effort in the past when he was at NOAA, but he's now at UNESCO. It may not be possible to get him back, but it still seems that there could be critical mass for a focused effort.



Philip Bogden, PhD & CEO,   GoMOOS
Acting Director: SCOOP Program at SURA
350 Commercial St, Portland, ME  04101
Office: 207-773-0423 bogden@xxxxxxxxxx
Mobile: 207-632-3308 Fax: 207-773-8672
----------- -----------

Steve Hankin, NOAA/PMEL -- Steven.C.Hankin@xxxxxxxx
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
ph. (206) 526-6080, FAX (206) 526-6744

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men
to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke

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Hi Phil et. al. coastal modelers &amp; Alexey,<br>
This email thread seems like a good time to introduce you to Alexey
Voinov, just recently brought on board by NOS to pick up on the work
started at the unstructured grid workshop.&nbsp; Alexey has taken over the
unstructured grid community tasks that Tom previously held.<br>
Alexey, sorry if&nbsp; this introduction wouldn't pass muster with Emily
Post <span class="moz-smiley-s6"><span> :-[ </span></span>.&nbsp; This
email thread may help to plug you into the network of energetic coastal
modelers and hopefully restart the dialog on unstructured grids in CF.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Steve<br>
Philip Bogden wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:BE43ADC2-1568-44AF-A7E7-C4F7E0D54471@xxxxxxxxxx"
 <pre wrap="">Ben (All),

David &amp; Gerry are hitting the issue we're up against with the coastal modelers involved in the SCOOP program at SURA. As you know, this is the relevant initiative that relates to CF: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="";></a> trac/wiki/BoulderWorkshop. And you probably also know that David &amp; Gerry are part of the team that includes several folks on the attendee list for that workshop. A few others are gaining interest. Tom Gross had an important leadership role in the CF effort in the past when he was at NOAA, but he's now at UNESCO. It may not be possible to get him back, but it still seems that there could be critical mass for a focused effort.



Philip Bogden, PhD &amp; CEO,   GoMOOS
Acting Director: SCOOP Program at SURA
350 Commercial St, Portland, ME  04101
Office: 207-773-0423 <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" 
Mobile: 207-632-3308 Fax: 207-773-8672
----------- <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" 
href="";></a> -----------

On Nov 2, 2007, at 4:29 PM, David R. Forrest wrote:

 <blockquote type="cite">
   <pre wrap="">On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Ben Domenico wrote:

   <blockquote type="cite">
     <pre wrap="">Hi Gerry,

As you are no doubt aware, that issue has to be addressed on multiple fronts.

-- The ISO 19123 definitions are general enough to support such
datasets as coverages.

-- The WCS specifications have been more restrictive to the point
where the grids must be regular in some (perhaps) projected coordinate

-- The CF conventions community has, to this point, focused on the
regular (or at least quasi regular) grids that are the output of
numerical forecast models.
   <pre wrap="">...
   <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">irregular grids still needs some work. If we can complete the process
for the case of "station observations," I believe the others will
follow more quickly by benefit of the hard lessons we are learning
from the first two.

One question I have for you and the other members of the coastal
community is whether those unstructured/irregular grids are an example
of one of the current CDM scientific data types

<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" 

or whether a new CDM data type is needed.
   <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">From that document, the Station (or perhaps Swath?) type seems like the
   <pre wrap="">closest CDM Scientific Data Type to the elements in an 
grid model. However there does not seem to be a clear method to limit the
domain of applicability of a Station's data to some non-simple spatial
region associated with a CDM Station.  Unstructured mesh modelers use
nodes and a connectivity matrix to represent the regions over which their data applies, and are writing these in netCDF outside of the conventions.

Maybe a 'Cell' or 'Element' data type using nodes/vertices and some sort
of connectivity would be a valuable extention.

 Dr. David Forrest
 <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" 
href="mailto:drf@xxxxxxxx";>drf@xxxxxxxx</a>                                    (804)684-7900w
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<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">-- Steve Hankin, NOAA/PMEL -- <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:Steven.C.Hankin@xxxxxxxx";>Steven.C.Hankin@xxxxxxxx</a>
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
ph. (206) 526-6080, FAX (206) 526-6744

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men
to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke</pre>


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