[visad] VisAD library updated

The VisAD library has been updated.   You may pick up the new JAR
files from the FTP site:

Here is a summary of the changes since the last update (in September, 2009):

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURLConnection.java  revision 1.70  date:
2010/01/08 20:56:17   author: donm
 test, then check in

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURLConnection.java  revision 1.69  date:
2010/01/08 20:52:53   author: donm
 support those of us who don't want to type out datasetinfo.  Allow dataset and

visad/EmpiricalCoordinateSystem.java  revision 1.19  date: 2010/01/08
19:58:05   author: donm
 add in some flags for copy and test to ensure method

visad/VisAD-Style.xjs  revision 1.4  date: 2010/01/06 16:44:29   author: donm
 update to 4.0.12 style

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/AreaFile.java  revision 1.40  date: 2010/01/06
16:02:36   author: donm
 fix for getData for now

visad/data/ArrayCache.java  revision 1.5  date: 2010/01/05 21:02:43
author: jeffmc
 Make sure we clone the returned array on a cache hit so we don't step
on the cached array values

visad/bom/ShadowBarbRealTupleTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.19  date:
2009/12/21 23:08:09   author: donm
 support alpha in the color

visad/bom/ShadowBarbRealTupleTypeJ2D.java  revision 1.32  date:
2009/12/21 23:08:09   author: donm
 support alpha in the color

visad/data/mcidas/AreaAdapter.java  revision 1.33  date: 2009/12/21
22:11:31   author: donm
 make sure we still scale the data even if the unit is bad

visad/FlowControl.java  revision 1.28  date: 2009/12/16 14:56:25   author: donm
 fix a typo in the autoscale listener

visad/python/JPythonMethods.java  revision 1.76  date: 2009/12/14
16:40:03   author: tomw
 Change to getFloats(false)/setSamples(d,false)...and clone the
 FlatFields so as not to destroy the original data (thanks, Don!).

visad/TriangleStripBuilder.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/12/14
06:02:03   author: rink
 problem with the merge code that Don found.  Use merge=none for
default until we can fix.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.17  date:
2009/12/14 06:00:48   author: rink
 Use the setBranchEarly logic  in the initialization taking into
account the ensureNotEmpty in the call.

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURL.java  revision 1.12  date:
2009/12/11 11:36:21   author: donm
 make setCompressionFromString public

visad/java3d/VisADCanvasJ3D.java  revision 1.57  date: 2009/12/10
00:04:35   author: jeffmc
 Only call stop once. Also, we are getting lots of NPEs thrown deep
down in java3d on a destroy. For now catch the exception and print it
out but don't throw it. That way the DisplayImpl.destroy has a chance
of completing

visad/java3d/DisplayImplJ3D.java  revision 1.69  date: 2009/12/10
00:02:14   author: jeffmc
 Only destroy the display once

visad/DisplayImpl.java  revision 1.208  date: 2009/12/10 00:01:05
author: jeffmc
 Keep track of whether a display has been destroyed and only do it once

visad/ShadowType.java  revision 1.182  date: 2009/12/09 17:28:36   author: donm
 add in a property to set a flage to allow color filled contours of single
 value grids to be rendered as a texture instead of nothing.  Default behavior
 hasn't changed.

visad/data/mcidas/PointDataAdapter.java  revision 1.30  date:
2009/12/09 16:01:21   author: donm
 clean up the recent changes

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeImageURL.java  revision 1.11  date:
2009/12/09 13:04:17   author: donm
 tweak the change made yesterday for radar requests.  Same result, better coding

visad/bom/ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.49  date:
2009/12/08 23:36:54   author: jeffmc
 Comment out some printlns

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.16  date:
2009/12/08 23:36:54   author: jeffmc
 Comment out some printlns

visad/data/ArrayCache.java  revision 1.4  date: 2009/12/08 23:36:08
author: jeffmc
 Comment out debug

visad/java3d/DisplayImplJ3D.java  revision 1.68  date: 2009/12/08
13:45:56   author: jeffmc
 Add in a call to mouseBehavior.destroy to clean up a dangling reference

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeImageURL.java  revision 1.10  date:
2009/12/08 13:26:10   author: donm
 pass the id along for radar requests if set

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.11  date: 2009/12/07
12:22:42   author: jeffmc
 Pass in the class name to DataCacheManager

visad/data/ArrayCache.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/12/07 12:22:04
author: jeffmc

visad/data/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.8  date: 2009/12/07
12:21:47   author: jeffmc
 Expand the api to include 3d arrays. Use the generated api from
gendcm.tcl. Support including names of cached items. Support for
volatile cache elements, those that just get flushed but not written
to disk

visad/SampledSet.java  revision 1.44  date: 2009/12/07 12:17:57   author: jeffmc
 When saving to the cache include the class name

visad/CachingCoordinateSystem.java  revision 1.11  date: 2009/12/07
12:16:19   author: jeffmc
 Only call debugTime when the input could be cachable

visad/ImageFlatField.java  revision 1.17  date: 2009/12/04 20:06:14
author: donm
 use getXXX methods instead of instance variables

visad/FlatField.java  revision 1.115  date: 2009/12/04 20:06:14   author: donm
 use getXXX methods instead of instance variables

visad/FieldImpl.java  revision 1.96  date: 2009/12/04 20:06:14   author: donm
 use getXXX methods instead of instance variables

visad/DataRenderer.java  revision 1.94  date: 2009/12/03 22:07:35
author: jeffmc
 Add a constrainDragPoint method as a hook for derived classes to
easily constrain the position of the drag point when doing direct

visad/SampledSet.java  revision 1.43  date: 2009/12/03 20:36:26   author: jeffmc
 Fix an error when cloning a SampledSet when it is in the DataCache

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.10  date: 2009/12/03
14:10:30   author: jeffmc
 Add a new haveData method

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.9  date: 2009/12/02
21:08:48   author: jeffmc
 Some tweaks

visad/meteorology/SingleBandedImageImpl.java  revision 1.17  date:
2009/12/02 13:22:13   author: jeffmc
 Add new access method

visad/ActionImpl.java  revision 1.62  date: 2009/12/01 19:51:19   author: jeffmc
 Forgot to set the trace default to false

visad/data/ArrayCache.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/12/01 19:42:01
author: jeffmc
 Have the ArrayCache track whether a certain item should be cached by
tracking consecutive cache misses

visad/CachingCoordinateSystem.java  revision 1.10  date: 2009/12/01
19:42:01   author: jeffmc
 Have the ArrayCache track whether a certain item should be cached by
tracking consecutive cache misses

visad/ActionImpl.java  revision 1.61  date: 2009/12/01 19:41:28   author: jeffmc
 Change the property names to visad.actionimpl...

visad/bom/SceneGraphRenderer.java  revision 1.12  date: 2009/12/01
18:31:14   author: donm
 tweak the LineStripArray plot

visad/DoubleStringTuple.java  revision 1.6  date: 2009/12/01 14:59:41
 author: donm
 get rid of extraneous RemoteException on makeTupleType

visad/data/mcidas/PointDataAdapter.java  revision 1.29  date:
2009/12/01 14:58:38   author: donm
 first pass at using DoubleTuple and DoubleStringTuple

visad/georef/EarthLocationLite.java  revision 1.8  date: 2009/12/01
03:39:21   author: jeffmc
 Add a getComponents(boolean copy) and have isMissing call it with
false so we don't have all of the extra arrau copies. Make the old
getComponents methiod be final so any external client code with a
getComponents method will break loudly instead of quietly

visad/Tuple.java  revision 1.34  date: 2009/12/01 03:39:21   author: jeffmc
 Add a getComponents(boolean copy) and have isMissing call it with
false so we don't have all of the extra arrau copies. Make the old
getComponents methiod be final so any external client code with a
getComponents method will break loudly instead of quietly

visad/RealTuple.java  revision 1.30  date: 2009/12/01 03:39:21   author: jeffmc
 Add a getComponents(boolean copy) and have isMissing call it with
false so we don't have all of the extra arrau copies. Make the old
getComponents methiod be final so any external client code with a
getComponents method will break loudly instead of quietly

visad/DoubleTuple.java  revision 1.5  date: 2009/12/01 03:39:21   author: jeffmc
 Add a getComponents(boolean copy) and have isMissing call it with
false so we don't have all of the extra arrau copies. Make the old
getComponents methiod be final so any external client code with a
getComponents method will break loudly instead of quietly

visad/DoubleStringTuple.java  revision 1.5  date: 2009/12/01 03:39:21
 author: jeffmc
 Add a getComponents(boolean copy) and have isMissing call it with
false so we don't have all of the extra arrau copies. Make the old
getComponents methiod be final so any external client code with a
getComponents method will break loudly instead of quietly

visad/data/text/TextAdapter.java  revision 1.52  date: 2009/12/01
03:37:08   author: jeffmc
 Lots of performance enhancements for reading point data. This is now
~50% faster

visad/Real.java  revision 1.40  date: 2009/12/01 03:35:28   author: jeffmc
 Make the old private, don't check the units ctor, be protected so
DateTime can call it

visad/DateTime.java  revision 1.32  date: 2009/12/01 03:35:28   author: jeffmc
 Make the old private, don't check the units ctor, be protected so
DateTime can call it

visad/MathType.java  revision 1.43  date: 2009/11/30 23:33:18   author: donm
 more lenient parsing

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.13  date: 2009/11/30
22:29:44   author: jeffmc
 Some cleanup of the prefetching

visad/util/ThreadPool.java  revision 1.26  date: 2009/11/30 22:27:59
author: jeffmc
 Add a printPool utility method

visad/util/Util.java  revision 1.56  date: 2009/11/30 22:24:53   author: jeffmc
 New array clone methods

visad/ActionImpl.java  revision 1.60  date: 2009/11/30 22:22:40   author: jeffmc
 Have 2 flags for showing time and the stack trace

visad/CachingCoordinateSystem.java  revision 1.9  date: 2009/11/30
22:22:18   author: jeffmc
 Factor out the caching logic into ArrayCache

visad/ActionImpl.java  revision 1.59  date: 2009/11/30 15:01:36   author: jeffmc
 Add a tracing facility (default is off) that will grab the stacktrace
of when an actionimpl is added to the queue and, if the time it takes
to execute the action is greater than 10 milliseconds it prints out
the time and the stack. This enables us to figure out just how long
things are taking and what client code triggered the action

visad/util/Util.java  revision 1.55  date: 2009/11/30 14:58:50   author: jeffmc
 New getStackTrace method

visad/CachingCoordinateSystem.java  revision 1.8  date: 2009/11/30
14:47:10   author: jeffmc
 We used to do a inputs.clone when making the cached input array. This
though did a shallow clone so we would always do a cache miss. We now
do a deep clone of the inputs array

visad/MathType.java  revision 1.42  date: 2009/11/26 17:47:27   author: donm
 remove a debug println, add in possible new check commented out.

visad/bom/SceneGraphRenderer.java  revision 1.11  date: 2009/11/25
21:18:37   author: donm
 make sure you break between each segment.  DOH!

visad/util/DataUtility.java  revision 1.50  date: 2009/11/25 20:44:59
 author: donm
 fix MathType.stringToType to allow more chars, use getUniqueRealType in TA

visad/data/text/TextAdapter.java  revision 1.51  date: 2009/11/25
20:44:59   author: donm
 fix MathType.stringToType to allow more chars, use getUniqueRealType in TA

visad/MathType.java  revision 1.41  date: 2009/11/25 20:44:59   author: donm
 fix MathType.stringToType to allow more chars, use getUniqueRealType in TA

visad/util/DataUtility.java  revision 1.49  date: 2009/11/25 17:21:08
 author: donm
 don't throw an exception on getUniqueRealType.

visad/util/DataUtility.java  revision 1.48  date: 2009/11/25 16:32:31
 author: donm
 add a full signature for getUniqueRealType with set and attrMask.  Knew I
 should have done this in the first place !

visad/MathType.java  revision 1.40  date: 2009/11/25 16:15:24   author: donm
 add [,:,] to the list of valid RealType characters

visad/data/text/TextAdapter.java  revision 1.50  date: 2009/11/25
15:45:19   author: jeffmc
 Fix (hopefully) the realtype/unit name clash problem

visad/java3d/ShadowTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.74  date: 2009/11/25
04:48:33   author: jeffmc
 The cacheKey for the appearances was using the
constant_alpha.toString which was a new one every time, thus no

visad/bom/SceneGraphRenderer.java  revision 1.10  date: 2009/11/25
04:41:34   author: donm
 get the byRef colors for PointArrays, fix the pen-up problem with LineArrays

visad/bom/SceneGraphRenderer.java  revision 1.9  date: 2009/11/24
23:11:50   author: donm
 partially fix the LineStripArray rendering.  Colors still not right

visad/util/ThreadPool.java  revision 1.25  date: 2009/11/24 16:09:24
author: jeffmc
 Fix a starvation condition in waitForTasks

visad/data/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.7  date: 2009/11/20
16:26:53   author: donm
 add getTypeName and toString to CacheInfo, change licence to visad, add Jeff
 to the list of names.

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.8  date: 2009/11/20
16:26:53   author: donm
 add getTypeName and toString to CacheInfo, change licence to visad, add Jeff
 to the list of names.

visad/data/ArrayWrapper.java  revision 1.4  date: 2009/11/20 16:26:53
 author: donm
 add getTypeName and toString to CacheInfo, change licence to visad, add Jeff
 to the list of names.

visad/data/mcidas/PointDataAdapter.java  revision 1.28  date:
2009/11/19 22:21:25   author: donm
 actually make the last change work (and get rid of some debugs)

visad/util/DataUtility.java  revision 1.47  date: 2009/11/19 21:40:19
 author: donm
 add a utility method to create a unique name from the name an unit and
 a method to clean up names so they are VisAD compatible.  Add a flag to
 PointDataAdapter to use getUniqueRealType.

visad/data/mcidas/PointDataAdapter.java  revision 1.27  date:
2009/11/19 21:40:19   author: donm
 add a utility method to create a unique name from the name an unit and
 a method to clean up names so they are VisAD compatible.  Add a flag to
 PointDataAdapter to use getUniqueRealType.

visad/data/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.6  date: 2009/11/19
19:50:14   author: jeffmc
 Remove errant reference to unidata package

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.12  date: 2009/11/19
16:13:32   author: jeffmc
 Fix a couple of timing based null ptr exceptions. Only prefetch the
next image if it is not in memory

visad/data/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.5  date: 2009/11/19
16:12:52   author: jeffmc
 Add inMemory methods to determine whether a cached thing's data is in memory

visad/data/CachedBufferedByteImage.java  revision 1.2  date:
2009/11/19 16:12:52   author: jeffmc
 Add inMemory methods to determine whether a cached thing's data is in memory

visad/data/ArrayWrapper.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/11/19 16:12:52
 author: jeffmc
 Add inMemory methods to determine whether a cached thing's data is in memory

visad/RealType.java  revision 1.57  date: 2009/11/18 13:14:38   author: donm
 as I said with the last checking, branches are for wussies.  If you
want to find
 out if a change breaks something, check it in on the trunk.  Fix NPE.

visad/SampledSet.java  revision 1.42  date: 2009/11/17 23:15:19   author: donm
 comment out debug

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.7  date: 2009/11/13
23:28:34   author: jeffmc
 comment out printlns

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.11  date: 2009/11/13
19:57:55   author: rink

 Don't update image component via a Behavior.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.15  date:
2009/11/13 19:57:55   author: rink

 Don't update image component via a Behavior.

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.10  date: 2009/11/13
16:58:39   author: rink
 fix don's npe, just don't try to update if imgComp isn't ready.

visad/data/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.4  date: 2009/11/13
14:26:34   author: jeffmc
 More caching work

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.6  date: 2009/11/13
14:26:34   author: jeffmc
 More caching work

visad/SampledSet.java  revision 1.41  date: 2009/11/13 14:26:22   author: jeffmc
 Add a global cacheSizeThreshold that, when set, will cause all
SampledSets that have size> threshold to use the DataCacheManager

visad/data/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/11/13
00:52:09   author: jeffmc

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.5  date: 2009/11/13
00:52:09   author: jeffmc

visad/Unit.java  revision 1.39  date: 2009/11/12 15:28:36   author: donm
 fix Unit.canConvert to handle promiscuous units correctly

visad/data/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/11/11
01:31:22   author: jeffmc
 some debugs

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.4  date: 2009/11/11
01:31:22   author: jeffmc
 some debugs

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.14  date:
2009/11/10 17:20:43   author: rink
 remove debug prints

visad/ShadowFunctionOrSetType.java  revision 1.129  date: 2009/11/10
15:29:18   author: jeffmc
 Add class name to trace call

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.13  date:
2009/11/09 22:38:29   author: rink
 fix problem Don found when changing pixel sampling, do some minor

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.9  date: 2009/11/09
21:00:03   author: jeffmc
 Remove printlns

visad/SampledSet.java  revision 1.40  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48   author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/LinearNDSet.java  revision 1.25  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Linear3DSet.java  revision 1.28  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Linear2DSet.java  revision 1.25  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Linear1DSet.java  revision 1.25  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/IrregularSet.java  revision 1.23  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Irregular3DSet.java  revision 1.51  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Irregular2DSet.java  revision 1.26  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Irregular1DSet.java  revision 1.21  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/GriddedSet.java  revision 1.41  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48   author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Gridded3DSet.java  revision 1.88  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Gridded2DSet.java  revision 1.33  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/Gridded1DSet.java  revision 1.35  date: 2009/11/07 06:20:48
author: jeffmc
 Refactor the access to the Samples array. Have all classes call
getMySamples (I use the MySamples so I can keep track of where these
changes are). We do this so derived classes (like our
CachedGridded3DSet) can override this and manage their own samples
array. This shouldn't change any behavior or break any external use of
thse apis (famous last words)

visad/georef/EarthLocationLite.java  revision 1.7  date: 2009/11/07
06:18:17   author: jeffmc
 If we get an exception wehn calling getLatLonPoint then throw it. The
side effects of not doing this are too twisty and devious

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/11/07
06:16:15   author: jeffmc
 remove debug

visad/data/CachedFlatField.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/10/30
13:56:12   author: jeffmc
 Fix a number of errors around cloning

visad/FlatField.java  revision 1.114  date: 2009/10/30 13:55:49   author: jeffmc
 Make nullRanges be protected so cloning the CachedFlatField can work

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.12  date:
2009/10/29 22:32:08   author: jeffmc
 Use the cachedimage

visad/data/ArrayWrapper.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/10/29 20:35:20
 author: jeffmc
 Use new cachemanager package

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.8  date: 2009/10/29
20:35:01   author: jeffmc
 Use new cachedimage package

visad/bom/CachedBufferedByteImage.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/10/29
19:58:36   author: jeffmc
 Move to data package

visad/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.5  date: 2009/10/29 19:58:14
author: jeffmc
 move to the data package

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.7  date: 2009/10/23
21:39:38   author: jeffmc
 Limit lookahead to 1

visad/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.4  date: 2009/10/23 21:39:08
author: jeffmc
 use bufferediostreams

visad/bom/CachedBufferedByteImage.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/10/23
14:12:28   author: jeffmc
 make getBytes public

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.6  date: 2009/10/23
14:11:35   author: jeffmc
 First pass at doing a cache lookahead while animating

visad/data/CachedGridded3DSet.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/10/23
10:45:44   author: jeffmc
 Roll back the package move for now as these classes depend on chages
to the base griddedset code

visad/data/CachedGridded2DSet.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/10/23
10:45:44   author: jeffmc
 Roll back the package move for now as these classes depend on chages
to the base griddedset code

visad/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/10/22 19:52:16
author: jeffmc

visad/python/JPythonMethods.java  revision 1.75  date: 2009/10/22
17:14:10   author: tomw
 Add a setValues() method to be partner to the getValues() one.  Corrected
 issues with the find() and replace() functions to make it easier to work
 with our common types of data (which might contain a "time dimension").  To
 our customary users, however, I fear this is still all very mysterious....

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.11  date:
2009/10/22 15:47:07   author: rink
 a little clean-up

visad/DataCacheManager.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/10/21 23:07:51
author: jeffmc
 set the sizes correctly

visad/Gridded2DDoubleSet.java  revision 1.24  date: 2009/10/12
20:11:50   author: rink
 add ctr option for samples consistency test.

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.5  date: 2009/10/08
20:25:03   author: rink
 big memory savings with higher texture quality.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.10  date:
2009/10/08 20:25:03   author: rink
 big memory savings with higher texture quality.

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURLConnection.java  revision 1.68  date:
2009/10/07 15:50:56   author: tomw
 Add the "tracking=" keyword for AGET and ADIR requests.  The default is
 "TRACKING=0" which signals the ADDE real-time ingesting server to send
 the data back immediately, even if it is not finished receiving the image.
 The application can over-ride this if they want to ....

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.9  date:
2009/10/05 20:47:38   author: rink
 fix some scene-graph organization problems.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.8  date:
2009/10/02 21:07:42   author: rink
 use new textureToGroup signature, fixes Don's upside down blue marble

visad/java3d/ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.87  date:
2009/10/02 21:06:33   author: rink
 new signature for textureToGroup - pass in byReference flag

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.4  date: 2009/10/01
22:33:24   author: rink

visad/RealType.java  revision 1.56  date: 2009/10/01 22:01:38   author: steve
 Changed the way the output unit is determined by the binary POW
 operator.  Replace the complicated code with setting the output unit to
 the dimensionless unit if the input unit is the dimensionless unit one
 and to the promiscuous unit in all other cases.  Don says "branches are
 for wussies.  Just commit it to the trunk."

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.7  date:
2009/10/01 21:16:23   author: rink
 access to BufferedImages via the renderer.

visad/bom/ImageRendererJ3D.java  revision 1.43  date: 2009/10/01
21:16:23   author: rink
 access to BufferedImages via the renderer.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.6  date:
2009/09/30 20:16:48   author: brucef
 Add ability to change buffered image type at runtime.  Relegate the
system property for development purposes only.

visad/bom/ImageRendererJ3D.java  revision 1.42  date: 2009/09/30
20:16:48   author: brucef
 Add ability to change buffered image type at runtime.  Relegate the
system property for development purposes only.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.5  date:
2009/09/30 15:19:02   author: rink
 put ImageComponent under a Switch, toggle off if time step outside
 image sequence domain.

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.3  date: 2009/09/30
15:15:07   author: rink
 Update ImageComponent via behavior post

visad/java3d/ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.86  date:
2009/09/30 15:14:22   author: rink
 add a comment in setTexCoords

visad/java3d/ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.85  date:
2009/09/29 22:07:53   author: rink
 fix yUp tex coord problem with npot.

visad/data/mcidas/AreaAdapter.java  revision 1.32  date: 2009/09/29
03:26:15   author: donm
 back out of Parser change.  Sorry Bruce

visad/data/units/Parser.java  revision 1.5  date: 2009/09/28 19:25:58
 author: donm
 back out of recent change

visad/jmet/MetUnits.java  revision 1.27  date: 2009/09/25 16:47:50
author: donm
 maintain the calibration unit string (or the MetUnits equivalent in reality),
 handle null unit passed to MetUnit and add a spec for the M9 radiance units,
 add a signature to Parser to preserve the unit spec passed in

visad/data/units/Parser.java  revision 1.4  date: 2009/09/25 16:47:50
 author: donm
 maintain the calibration unit string (or the MetUnits equivalent in reality),
 handle null unit passed to MetUnit and add a spec for the M9 radiance units,
 add a signature to Parser to preserve the unit spec passed in

visad/data/mcidas/AreaAdapter.java  revision 1.31  date: 2009/09/25
16:47:50   author: donm
 maintain the calibration unit string (or the MetUnits equivalent in reality),
 handle null unit passed to MetUnit and add a spec for the M9 radiance units,
 add a signature to Parser to preserve the unit spec passed in

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.4  date:
2009/09/24 19:33:06   author: rink
 first cut:  key off the first image in the sequence, since IDV/McV will
 use that for the display CS anyway.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.3  date:
2009/09/24 17:37:38   author: rink
 Add support for 'reuse', not sure if it works.  Cleanup.

visad/java3d/VisADImageNode.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/09/24
17:34:38   author: rink
 add accessor for the buffered images.

visad/data/text/TextAdapter.java  revision 1.49  date: 2009/09/21
23:09:49   author: jeffmc
 Add an (optional) StreamProcessor interface that handles the tuples
as they are created. Ignored if null

visad/TriangleStripBuilder.java  revision 1.2  date: 2009/09/21
17:48:13   author: brucef
 don't log at info level since default JVM config logs info to stderr

visad/ShadowType.java  revision 1.181  date: 2009/09/18 17:41:43   author: rink
 Apply adjustSeam/Lon, removeMissing now that color-filled contours are
 TriangleStripArrays - before they were TriangleArrays which aren't
 supported by the adjust methods.

visad/bom/ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.2  date:
2009/09/17 17:10:57   author: rink
 fix texture coord problem Bruce found - use new setTexCoords signature.

visad/java3d/ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ3D.java  revision 1.84  date:
2009/09/17 17:09:13   author: rink
 add setTexCoords signature for yUp orientation flag.

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/AreaFile.java  revision 1.39  date: 2009/09/17
00:06:42   author: brucef
 Add ability to get data by-reference.

visad/ShadowType.java  revision 1.180  date: 2009/09/16 21:12:46   author: donm
 add a new signature to force adjustFlowToEarth when used statically
without flow controls

visad/Contour2D.java  revision 1.81  date: 2009/09/16 15:38:29   author: rink
 some cleanup

visad/Contour2D.java  revision 1.80  date: 2009/09/16 03:01:20   author: rink
 Color-filled contours are now constructed as TriangleStripArrays.  This
 saves 60% to 30% of Java memory, as well as improves the performance
 in the display once the contour geometry is rendered.  Use Bruce's
 strip builder to create longer strips across grid cells - if possible.

visad/Gridded3DSet.java  revision 1.87  date: 2009/09/16 02:53:20   author: rink
 add Bruce's new gridToValue signature which take 1D x,y,z format -
 saves a copy since this is preferred format of the graphics api.

visad/java3d/KeyboardBehaviorJ3D.java  revision 1.13  date: 2009/09/11
22:58:54   author: jeffmc
 Add a rotateAboutCenter flag. This causes the keyboard and mouse
rotation to first translate back to the center, then do the rotate,
then translate back. This is used by the IDV globe display to have
more google earth like rotation

visad/MouseHelper.java  revision 1.51  date: 2009/09/11 22:58:53
author: jeffmc
 Add a rotateAboutCenter flag. This causes the keyboard and mouse
rotation to first translate back to the center, then do the rotate,
then translate back. This is used by the IDV globe display to have
more google earth like rotation

visad/DisplayRenderer.java  revision 1.70  date: 2009/09/11 22:58:53
author: jeffmc
 Add a rotateAboutCenter flag. This causes the keyboard and mouse
rotation to first translate back to the center, then do the rotate,
then translate back. This is used by the IDV globe display to have
more google earth like rotation

visad/java3d/KeyboardBehaviorJ3D.java  revision 1.12  date: 2009/09/11
16:57:22   author: jeffmc
 Add a scaleRotation flag. Default it to false. If true then the
MouseHelper and the KeyboardBehavior will scale their rotation angle
based on the zoom level. Used in the IDV globe view

visad/MouseHelper.java  revision 1.50  date: 2009/09/11 16:57:21
author: jeffmc
 Add a scaleRotation flag. Default it to false. If true then the
MouseHelper and the KeyboardBehavior will scale their rotation angle
based on the zoom level. Used in the IDV globe view

visad/DisplayRenderer.java  revision 1.69  date: 2009/09/11 16:57:21
author: jeffmc
 Add a scaleRotation flag. Default it to false. If true then the
MouseHelper and the KeyboardBehavior will scale their rotation angle
based on the zoom level. Used in the IDV globe view

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53706  USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759

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