Re: drawing text in a window

Hi Donna...

Donna L Gresh wrote:
I'd like to just be able to draw some text at particular values in
the data set (i.e. x = datamin, y=-1, and x=datamax, y=-1 for my horizontal
colorbar). Is this a big deal, or is there a simple way to do it?

In jython, you can use the display.drawString() method in This allows you to specify the location of your string in terms of the types mapped to the 'visad box' coordinates. The signature is:

def drawString(self, string, position, color=None, center=0,
  font="futural",start=[0.,0.,0.], base=[.1,0.,0.],
  up=[0.,.1,0.],size=None ):

  Draw a string of characters on this display.  <string> is the
  string of characters.  <position> is the starting location for the
  string drawing, expressed as a list/tuple of 2 or 3 values (x,y,z).
  <color> is the color (e.g., "red" or java.awt.Color; default
  white).  <center> if true will center the string.  <font> defiles
  the HersheyFont name to use.  <start> defines the relative location
  of the starting point (x,y,z; default = 0,0,0).  <base> defines the
  direction that the base of the string should point (x,y,z; default
  along x-axis).  <up> defines the direction of the vertical stroke
  for each character (default = along y-axis).  <size> is the relative
  size.  Returns the index to the shape of the text (useful for

so, for example:

  disp.drawString("My string",(2.3, -2.1),color='green', center=1)

would put the "My string" characters in green starting at x=2.3 and y=-2.1 in the display "disp".

If you have to use Java ;-) then you may want to create a visad.Shape and use the PlotText.render_label() [or ...render_font()] method to create a Shape that you can then add to the display whenever you want it.

Hope that helps.


Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Phone/VoiceMail: 608.262.2759

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