AW: multiple 3d display ...

Hi Jean-Luc,

That really sounds strange. I suspect this is rather a java3d than a
visad problem. I'm curious what kind of java3d you are using. If you are
using the DirectX version it will also be interesting what version of
DirectX and what graphics card you are using. Perhaps you should try the
other java3d version, e.g. openGL if you are using DirectX and vice
versa to check if it is an DirectX/OpenGL problem. The next approach
would be to check out new drivers for your graphics card.
Sorry, thats all I can say bout that. Hope that helps.

Cheers, Mathias

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-visad-
> list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von ADAM Jean-Luc
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2001 17:28
> An: visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Betreff: multiple 3d display ...
> Hello,
> We're using VisAD for data visualisation (math functions ...). So we
> open several differents JFrame with one 3d-display in each frame.
> On windows 95 an 98 i have some strange behaviour :
> I open without problem five (for example) windows and when i open one
> more window there are two display in it ! i mean that the display of
> of the first five windows is now in the new window (and it has
> disappeared from its original window) !! one display is upon the other
> and i see them alternatively when i move the visualisation with my
> mouse.
> What i noticed is that it happens when i open the windows at the same
> place on the screen (for instance by opening 6 windows at the same
> ... if i open them one by one and i iconify each window before opening
> another the problem doesn't appear !!!
> I don't know if i'm clear but i really don't understand what's
> happening. I used the last VisAD release but it doesn't change
> I use jdk 1.3.1 and java 3d 1.1.2 ...
> I tried to use higher release of java 3d (> 1.2) but it's worse : i
> open five windows with the good display and for new windows the
> doesn't even appear.
> This problem doesn't occure on windows NT platform  ...
> Thank you for your help,
> Jean-Luc Adam

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