Re: Reading Grib data or converting.

There is a GRIB to netCDF converter available from Unidata (I believe it's
called 'gribtonc') which potentially could be used to first convert the GRIB
file to netCDF, which can then be input to your netCDF application.  I've never
used it, and don't know any details, however.

Since GRIB files are serial by nature, and often contain an entire model run
(all parameters, all levels, all times), a VisAD adapter would be, I suspect,
nearly as complex as the netCDF one is.


Jeff Einhorn wrote:
> Is it possible to read grib data using the libraries provided by visad?
>          thanks,
>             jeff einhorn

Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Phone/VoiceMail: 608/262-2759
Fax: 608/262-5974

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