Re: Error when running SpreadSheet or MiniSheet

Hi John,

We'll get the Makefile.WinNT problem resolved as soon
as possible.  However, the more serious failure in
the attempt to read the test file may be a
Java implemetation problem since we haven't experienced
any problems on the Solaris side.  Let us do some NT
testing to see if we can reproduce the error, and
possibly find a work-around.

I send you a status report after we've looked into
this a bit.



Tom Rink                                             rink@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Space Science and Engineering Center          Univ of Wisconsin-Madison
Phone: 608-265-2324

Tom Rink                                             rink@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Space Science and Engineering Center          Univ of Wisconsin-Madison
Phone: 608-265-2324

>I have installed VisAD on an Win NT machine.
>Two issues:
>1. minor point
>To compile the code I had to remove the jmet references in the NT
>When running MiniSheet or SpreadSheet I get the following fatal errors
>when trying to import data
>(I used the file from your site to test)
>java.exe Application error
>The instruction at 0x695942a3 referenced memory at 0x00000000.
>The memory could not be read.
>At the command line the following error was reported
>A non fatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) erro 'regvar' has occured in :
>'visad/data/DefaultFamily$ () Z' :
>Interpreting method
>I just downloaded the jar files so I should have the latest distribution
>of Visad.
>my java -version is 1.2-V, native threads
>and I have the latest J3D installed.
>Does anyone have any suggestions ?
>John Hildebrandt
>Senior Research Scientist
>DSTO C3 Research Centre      Phone: 02 6265 8002
>Fernhill Park                           Fax:     02 6265 8010
>Department of Defence
>Email:  john.hildebrandt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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