Re: [thredds] Thredds-docker and services

Dear all,

My issue is actually related to another problem.

On the Thredds 5.4 version, in *catalogInit.log* after the *readCatalog()* call it print this error:

   *** ERROR: initializing catalog catalog.xml; ChronicleMap{name=null,
   identityHashCode=2097525231}: Entry is too large: requires 6386
   chunks, 4858 is maximum.
   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ChronicleMap{name=null,
   identityHashCode=2097525231}: Entry is too large: requires 6386
   chunks, 4858 is maximum.

On the other hand, with a Thredds 4.6.20 there is no problem with this same configuration.

Also, this dataset is pretty huge.
On Thredds 5.4, if I reduce the number of netCDF files it works as well.

I did not find any information about this issue, nor related to chunk size.
Neither is in the documentation.

Do you have any idea?

Kind regards,

On 09/05/2023 09:07, Enzo Pauvy wrote:
Dear all,

I would like to set up a docker version of an existing Thredds, using Unidata/thredds-docker <>.
However, I have an issue to make services work.

Currently, I created my container and a small catalog.
I completed threddsConfig.xml based on what has been done on my existing Thredds and wmsConfig.xml as well.
I can access the products pages, but the services are not working.
- OpenDAP return :

    Error {
        code = 404;
        message = "<PRODUCT_NAME>";

- WMS don't print anything.

Is there anything else I might have forgotten?

Kind regards,
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