[thredds] 20220613: GOES-18 interleave test tomorrow Tuesday, June 14

User's of GOES-16/17/18 imagery:

NOAA will be conducting a test of interleaving the distribution of
GOES-18 with GOES-17 imagery tomorrow, June 14, between 1600 - 2000 UTC.
The specifics of this test are detailed in NOAA Service Change Notice


Tomorrow's exercise will be the second interleave test for GOES-18
imagery, but it will be the first of a series of tests that will affect
the imagery being distributed in NOAAPort.

Impacts of the GOES-18 interleave test will include, but may not be
limited to:

Unidata IDD:


  The first GOES-18 interleave test that was conducted by NOAA on May
  11 went without issue, and there is no reason to expect that tomorrow's
  test will be any different.

  LDM/IDD Product IDs for GOES-18 imagery will differ from those for
  GOES-17 in one regard: 'G17' will be replaced with 'G18'.  For example,

  SATELLITE GOES-17 Mesoscale-1 Channel 2 Product ID:


  should look like:


  during the interleave test.


  The procedures that stitch together GOES-17 tiles broadcast in the
  NOAAPort SBN (and distributed in the IDD NOTHER feed) into full images
  and then distribute the full images in the IDD NIMAGE feed has been reviewed
  and appropriate adjustments have been made, so problems are not expected
  during the interleave test.

  LDM/IDD Product IDs for GOES-18 imagery will differ from those for
  GOES-17 in two regards: 'GOES17' will be replaced with 'GOES18' and 'G17'
  will be replaced with 'G18'.  For example,

  NIMAGE GOES-17 CONUS Channel 1 Product ID:


  should look like:



  The procedures that create the the GOES-West image sectors that are
  distributed in the UNIWISC feed have been modified to work with both
  GOES-17 and GOES-18 imgery.  The acid test for the changes made will be
  tested live during tomorrow's interleave test.  Any problems experienced
  will be addressed ASAP.

Actions that may need to be taken locally:


  Adjustments to LDM feed REQUEST(s) and pattern-action file action(s)
  may need to be made.  Use the example Product IDs above to model
  your changes.

Please send questions/comments to:


Best regards,

Unidata User Supprot
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