[thredds] TDS 4.6.20 released (5.4 release date still TBA)

Hello THREDDS users,

The official release of TDS version 4.6.20 was published today, February
16th, 2022. This release contains various upgrades to third party libraries
that address security exploits, as well as a bug fix in the WMS service.
You can find the full release notes here

**Note:** The TDS downloads page has moved! You can now find TDS jar files
at https://downloads.unidata.ucar.edu/tds/.

For TDS 5.x users - the 5.4 release will be ready soon, but we are still
working to address a number of reported bugs prior to the release date,
which remains TBA. In the meantime, please continue to the SNAPSHOT release
available on the TDS downloads page
<https://downloads.unidata.ucar.edu/tds/>. We're sorry for the delay, but
we're working to get this release to be a long-term stable version.


Hailey Johnson (she/her)
Software Engineer | THREDDS Developer
Unidata | UCAR Community Programs (UCP)
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