Hi all,
Not sure if this is the right list to use, but I noticed that some of my
scripts that use wget to pull data from threddsrc.ucar.edu (using NCSS) started
throwing errors like this over the weekend (this uses threddsrc, but I also got
the same error with thredds.ucar.edu)
--2020-06-01 16:38:58--
Resolving threddsrc.ucar.edu (threddsrc.ucar.edu)...
Connecting to threddsrc.ucar.edu (threddsrc.ucar.edu)||:443...
ERROR: The certificate of ‘threddsrc.ucar.edu’ is not trusted.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘threddsrc.ucar.edu’ has expired.
Any suggestions for how to resolve this would be appreciated – thanks much!
Russ S. Schumacher
Director, Colorado Climate Center
Colorado State Climatologist
Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science
Colorado State University
e-mail: russ.schumacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:russ.schumacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
phone: 970.491.8084
web: https://www.atmos.colostate.edu/people/faculty/schumacher/