[thredds] THREDDS FMRC Issue with partial/fragmented model runs


We are having some trouble with the FMRC on our hycom.org servers when
we publish "partial" (e.g., t000-t024 only, mixed with t000-t180)
and/or fragmented (missing just t015, t024, ...) in the model runs.
The FMRC is reporting multiple time coordinates (time, time1, time2),
rather than ignoring the gaps/non-uniform time series from multiple
runs and presenting a single "best time series" with a single time
coordinate. What is odd is this issue is spilling over into individual
"Forecast Model Run" even when the run for a "good day" is complete
from t000 to t180. All it takes is one run in the series to mess up
the whole FMRC.

We are seeing this issue in both THREDDS Data Server [Version 4.6.13]
and THREDDS Data Server [Version 4.6.11]. Please let me know what
additional details to provide to help improve/fix this issue in the



raw data listing,

see the "hycom_glby_930_YYYYMMDDHH_tHHH_*.nc"

Michael McDonald
HYCOM.org Administrator

Attachment: OPeNDAP Dataset Query Form.pdf
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