[thredds] Add non time dependent variable to FMRC

Hello, I have a FMRC aggregation of several yearly files with the usual 
variables (ssh,t,s,u,v), e.g.

<featureCollection name="mercator" featureType="FMRC" harvest="true" 
<collection spec="/home/opendap/datasets/mercator/**/mercator_#yyyy#\.nc"/>
<update startup="true"/>
<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2";>
<fmrcConfig regularize="false" datasetTypes="Best Files" />

I have a different file with non time dependent variables (bathymetry, sea land 
mask, etc) and would like to have these variables also appear in the FMRC. I 
tried just renaming the file to mercator_1970.nc hoping that the <collection 
spec="/home/opendap/datasets/mercator/**/mercator_#yyyy#\.nc"/> would catch it, 
but it didn't work. My guess is that doesn't work because there is no time 
dimension in this file and time is necessary for FMRC aggregation.

Besides appending the non time dependent variables to every single file with
ncks -A bathymetry_mask.nc mercator_YYYY.nc
is there a way using ncml to join all the files (with and without time 
dimensions) in the FMRC?
Also, I am adamant in using FMRC because my tests showed that is a lot faster 
to retrieve data than using aggregation joinNew or joinExisting.

Thank you.
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