[thredds] time units with FMRC collections

  • To: thredds community <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [thredds] time units with FMRC collections
  • From: tom cook <tmcook@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 15:03:00 -0800
  • Ironport-phdr: 9a23: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
Hopefully one of you can stop me from smashing more items in my office
by helping me with this question. :)

When using FMRC to aggregate data, the time unit value is given as
hours from the start of the data set. For example, my FMRC collection
starts on Jan 1 0:00 UTC and the units are listed as
"units: hours since 2018-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC"
I've been attempting to use NCML to change this with the following
lines in my catalog INSIDE my featureCollection block:

               <variable name="time">
                 <attribute name="units" value="seconds since 1970-1-1
00:00:00 UTC"/>

I've tried many values for the time units, but nothing changes with my
time values.
If I put it outside the <protoDataset> tags, I see changes to the
values, but the units become something weird which I can't figure out
how to control. For instance if I remove the <protoDataset> tags from
the code above, my time unit becomes "hours since 1970-2-2 20:00:00"

I've read through the documentation and examples online, but I'm not
making any headway.

Can anyone set me straight?


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