Re: [thredds] WCS problem in THREDDS ESGF-5.0.1

BTW. Just in case it's not the same issue It may better if you open an new issue at GitHub and provide a minimal example files including the referenced files in the ncml.



On 19/01/18 13:46, Antonio S. Cofiño wrote:


Take a look to this issue at GitHub:

that fixes and issue with edal-java component, but with the last release has appear again


On 18/01/18 14:23, joe.singleton@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi all,

I am having problems using WCS with an NcML dataset in THREDDS version
ESGF-5.0.1. WCS seems to work fine for datasets corresponding to actual files,
but not when aggregating datasets with NcML. The WCS endpoint returns the
following response:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <ServiceExceptionReport xmlns="";  version="1.2.0">
     <ServiceException>Unknown problem</ServiceException>

Some errors are logged in threddsServlet.log (full log attached):

   2018-01-18T12:59:54.951 +0000 [    555825][      16] ERROR - 
thredds.server.wcs.WcsHandler - Unknown problem. Not a Grid Dataset test_aggregate_dataset 
err=/var/lib/tomcat/content/thredds/public/testdata/_aggregate_dataset (No such 
file or directory)

My <dataset> element in the root catalog.xml is:

   <dataset name="Aggregation" ID="test_aggregate_dataset">
     <access serviceName="all" urlPath="test_aggregate_dataset"/>
     <netcdf xmlns="";

and the referenced NcML contains the following:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <netcdf xmlns="";>
     <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
       <variableAgg name="time"/>

The referenced datasets exist and are readable by the tomcat user, and when
adding a <dataset> element for one of them directly it can be accessed through
WCS with no problem.

Also, the same aggregation works correctly via WMS, so I think the aggregation
setup is fine.

Looking at the output of strace it seems that THREDDS is trying to stat
'/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/thredds/wcs/test_aggregate_dataset', and open
'/var/lib/tomcat/content/thredds/public/testdata/_aggregate_dataset', both of
which do not exist. I suppose this is what causes the exception logged in the
log file.

If anyone can help at all it would be greatly appreciated.


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