[thredds] Siphon 0.5.0 Released


Siphon, a remote data access library supporting THREDDS, has released
version 0.5.0 with a few improvements and features:

* The datasets and catalog references can now be grabbed from their
collections by position (index) (as well as by name).
* Collections of datasets and catalog references now have helper functions
that allow extracting a time range or item closest to a time, assuming the
entries have appropriately formatted times in the names.
* Datasets gained functions that simplify setting up access over various
TDS services
* A catalog with a latest dataset now has a `latest` attribute that points
directly to this dataset

Full releases notes are available on the GitHub Release page:


There are also examples of using the new APIs on the Unidata blog:


Siphon packages are available for Conda on the conda-forge channel, and for
pip from the Python Package Index:


Let us know if you run into any problems, either at Siphon's issue tracker,
or on the Unidata python-users list.



Ryan May, Ph.D.
Software Engineer
Boulder, CO
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