I'm in a project that aims to build a web page based on Thredds for painting
grib files with the
WMS. The grib files are approximately 500x500 points and the generated products
will be
consumed by weather forecasters (it's got to be certainly fast generating the
tiles). The number
of concurrent users would be relatively small: more or less 30 users
continuously connected (it
could double under certain weather conditions).
I'd like to get a grasp of the characteristics of the computer that should host
the web application
and Thredds to be on the safe side. I'd need some concrete examples of machines
you are using
Thredds on: number of CPUs, RAM, hard disk type, whether you are using ZFS as
said in [1], and
any tip that could be useful to get a good performance.
I'm asking more about hardware than about software configuration.
Thank you!
David Gil Oliva
Spanish Weather Service
Phone: 93 882 30 58 (50822)