Re: [thredds] GFS model data not being updated

Greetings Andres,

The machine hosting our demonstration THREDDS Data Server (TDS),, has been experiencing a combination of hardware/software
issues over the past few weeks. Currently, the server is unable
to receive the signal to update the catalogs exposing GRIB 1/2 datasets,
and thus new data are not appearing. We hope to restore service at some
point today. In the meantime, you may wish to use, which is a server that hosts our
TDS release candidates (which is currently running the same version of the
TDS as



On Monday, May 16, 2016, Andres Depp <andresdepp1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I use the GFS model data from the Unidata Thredds server and it looks like
> the model data is no longer being updated -- it's been around three days
> since the last update. Any possibility of fixing this?
> Thanks.
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