[thredds] NetCDF, WMS, and auto color scale (not set by admin)

Hi Guys


In older versions of thredds I could leave the auto color scaling for a WMS
to thredds to take care of for me. Can I have it back - but a bit different.


As a system admin - I am just 'serving the data' not really understanding
what 'sensible viewing defaults' for defaultColorScaleRange for any file in
the directory should be. However - the data owners I interact with all have
a 'preference' on how to color/scale their visualisations for their data


Is there a way to make thredds read the netCDF file - load the variable, and
load the visualisation range FROM THE DATA FILE - not the wmsConfig.xml -
where I would need to explicitly set it?


IE - if on the elevation layer for this service:



I set a netcdf parameter like defaultColorScaleRange or something less
thredds specific, max/min or something which could guide the 'lazy'
configuration option for the data?






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