Re: [thredds] ncWMS sources from TDS sources

Hi Patrick,

the actual jar used by TDS 4.3.17 gets pulled from our maven repository when you build TDS and the latest version is here:
We also keep the code in a github repository:
this is different from the thredds repository where you are seeing that out of date jar that is no longer used.


On 07/24/2013 09:31 AM, Patrick Brockmann wrote:

I cannot find from the last TDS 4.3.17 sources,
parts of code of ncWMS with the ABOVEMAXCOLOR WMS extension ?

Could you help me to point the correct ncWMS sources form the git repository of the TDS at this version ? They must exist since I have installed (not from sources) this release and have been able to use
request with this WMS extension.

ncwms-src.jar is dated from 1 year ago so without ABOVEMAXCOLOR WMS extension.


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