[thredds] Reminder: Unidata TDS Upgrade June 3, 2013

If you use Unidata's data servers (motherlode.ucar.edu) please read this.

As of June 3, 2013, THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 4.2 will no longer be in 
use on Unidata's servers. This is important because many of the variable names 
in all GRIB files have been changed in TDS 4.3. This affects almost all the 
model data served at Unidata.

As previously announced, the Unidata Program Center's THREDDS Data Server (TDS) 
using the domain name "motherlode.ucar.edu" will be upgraded to use TDS version 
4.3 at this time. Since late March, a TDS version 4.3 server using the domain 
name "thredds.ucar.edu" has been in operation. The domain name 
"motherlode.ucar.edu" will not work for TDS access after August 1, 2013. 

The main changes between TDS 4.2 and 4.3 are listed here.

IDV users note: If you have not yet upgraded to IDV version 4.0 or later, you 
will need to do so now. The current version is IDV 4.0u1.

The timeline for transitioning from the TDS 4.2 to the 4.3 server at Unidata is 
as follows:

Friday, March 22nd, 2013 - the official data access URL for the Unidata TDS 
changed to thredds.ucar.edu. This address resolves to a TDS 4.3 server (the 
latest version).

Monday, June 3rd, 2013 - the previous data access URL, motherlode.ucar.edu, 
will be changed to use the TDS 4.3 server. This marks the end of TDS 4.2 access 
on Unidata systems. (Note that the changeover was originally planned for 
Saturday, June 1st.)

Thursday, August 1st, 2013 - the data access URL motherlode.ucar.edu will no 
longer function. All users of the Unidata TDS should transition to using 
thredds.ucar.edu by this time.

Please start changing your software now to use thredds.ucar.edu and TDS 4.3.

See this post for additional details and background and links that work:


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