[thredds] Regular expression collection spec of feature collection


We are testing to define the collection spec file name with a regular
expression and time expression #yyyy-MM# at the same time. The THREDDS
catalog throws and HTTP 404 error but the thredds.inventory.
MFileCollectionManage found 20 dataset:

> [2013-05-23T09:13:17.318+0200] INFO
>  thredds.inventory.MFileCollectionManager: station_salines-ime_met002_agg :
> was scanned
> MCollection{name='/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1',
> dirName='/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1',
> wantSubdirs=true, ff=WildcardMatchOnPath{wildcard=null
> regexp=.*_station-salines_ime-met002_L1_........nc$}}
> [2013-05-23T09:13:17.318+0200] DEBUG
> thredds.inventory.MFileCollectionManager: station_salines-ime_met002_agg :
> initial scan found n datasets = 20

The collection spec attribute is defined as:

> <collection
> spec="/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1/**/.*_station-salines_ime-met002_L1_#yyyy-MM#.nc$"
> />

It works without the regular expression ".*":

> <collection
> spec="/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1/**/dep0001_station-salines_ime-met002_L1_#yyyy-MM#.nc$"
> />

Also we have test it without the time expression:

>  <collection
> spec="/data/current/opendap/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1/**/.*_station-salines_ime-met002_L1_\d{4}-\d{2}.nc$"
> />

But in this case, the CDM remote subset doesn't identify the "Time Range",
the Starting and Ending fields are empty, and the "TimeCoverage" at the
dataset catalog page. We have test the "Time Subset" with a working range
when the collection spec doesn't have the regular expression
(2013-04-01T00:00:00Z 2013-05-02T00:00:00Z), but THREDDS throws a HTTP
Status 500 error. The threddsServlet.log attached hold in the exception

Finally we know the regular expressions are not supported in the dirName
/observational/mooring/weather_station/station_salines-ime_met002/L1'. We
are very interested in this feature, Are there plans to implement it?

Attached are the zipped file with the example files, the featureCollection
xml configuration and the threddsServlet.log.



Kristian Sebastian Blalid
SOS Division: Data Center Technical
Tel: 971439860 - Fax: 971439979
E-mail: kristian.sebastian@xxxxxxxx

PNG image

Attachment: collection_spec_files.zip
Description: Zip archive

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