Re: [thredds] OPeNDAP Clients and Cookies

Hi kevin:

Cookies are part of standard HTTP, and are passed (both ways) in the HTTP header. Opendap is built on top of HTTP, and so any opendap client has a mechanism for passing cookies. Whether they do so or not depends on the client. I dont think they are required to (?).

Cookies are used to maintain session state on the server. This can mean that the server only has to authenticate once for a session. That is mostly just a performance issue, but in the worst case, the client could pop up a user login window for each request, of which there are often many for any given dataset access. But the client could also cache the authentication header and send it each time. So cookies arent totally necessary, whats really important is that the client does something reasonable.

There is also a subtle (and usually rare) problem on datasets that can change while being accessed, when you dont manage state, blogged about here:

My own opinion is that state is necessary, though perhaps evil. Web servers like apache and tomcat do all the heavy lifting, so i think its not a huge burden on server writers. If I was king of opendap i would specify that clients must return cookies.

I think if you follow standard HTTP practices, and an opendap client misbehaves, its up to the client to improve or risk becoming obsolete. There are plenty of robust HTTP libraries in all languages, so there is really no good excuse for clients not to do something reasonable.


On 4/1/2013 11:04 AM, Kevin Manross wrote:


To server our data, we set a cookie once the user successfully logs in
to our website.  We check for that cookie upon return to the website.  I
have successfully written a filter for our experimental TDS and it seems
to handle web browser interactions by checking for cookies and
redirecting to our login if need be.  My next step is how to handle
opendap requests.

I have been reading up on the various ways to authenticate opendap
requests (primarily via THREDDS), many of which refer to the server
setting a session cookie upon successful login. My question is, how is
the session cookie checked upon subsequent requests by opendap clients
like IDL, Matlab, IDV, pydap, etc.?

We have a mechanism to allow users to obtain and store cookie
information for use in non-browser-sessions like scripts.  These scripts
usually involve wget which has a way to load cookies.  Do opendap
clients have any such way to send a cookie?

This is a major hurdle for our service and any feedback is greatly



Kevin Manross
NCAR/CISL/Data Support Section
Phone: (303)-497-1218
Email:manross@xxxxxxxx <mailto:manross@xxxxxxxx>

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