[thredds] Time value error in gfs-anl data collection


Good day to you. I downloaded the attached file form this location. I need to 
download data for 0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 hours from gfs-anl collection. But the 
downloaded data contains two entries for 0000 forecast hour for each day and no 
data available for 1200 hour. This happens for any parameter collection for any 
date downloaded from this server. My guess is that second entry of 0000 for the 
day is actually the data for 1200 hour. Please have a look into this and inform 
me what's wrong and what I should do to get the data I needed. Please let me 
know whether my guess is correct.

I'm looking forward for your kind attention. Thanks in advance for any help.
Best Regards
Kavinda Gayashan

Attachment: gfs3anl00.nc
Description: Cdf file

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