Re: [thredds] future TDS WCS support for irregular/curvilinear grids?

Thanks, John! Yep, the interface is built on top of the Google Maps API. I
already provide a "WMS" link in my pop-ups that spits out a PNG of the
overlay. The GeoTIFF can be more than just a georeferenced image, though, as
some mistake it: it's actual "data"--if you set "FORMAT=GeoTIFF_Float" in
your WCS GetCoverage request, each pixel will have the actual data value at
that location (e.g. wave height of 0.827 m, etc.). If you just give a person
a JPEG/PNG, they just have a color rendering of the data without the actual
data values.
John Maurer

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 1:44 AM, john caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> **
> Can you use JPEG from WMS ? Is there something more that you use from
> GeoTiff?
> Very cool map app, is that built eith Google Maps, or are you just
> emulating the interface?
> On 6/15/2011 11:28 PM, John Maurer wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks for this clarification. I'm referring to curvilinear grids (2d) in
> our case at the moment. And yep, again, this would be for GeoTIFFs; for
> those geospatial folks (mostly in the GIS community) for whom a NetCDF is
> undesirable. Here's an example map from our Google Maps-based viewer that
> pulls a tiled image overlay directly from TDS using ncWMS (wave height
> forecast over Oahu). If you click on the map, it provides a GeoTIFF URL. I
> limit the GeoTIFF link to our regular gridded datasets, but was hoping to
> (someday) expand this to the rest of our forecast models (curvilinear):
>  Thanks for listening,
> John Maurer
> Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
> University of Hawaii at Manoa
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:00 PM, john caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>  some terms as far as i understand:
>> regular grids:                    1d x, y coordinates evenly spaced. only
>> ones WCS 1.0 allows
>> irregularly spaced grids:  1d x,y, but dont have to be even, eg gaussian
>> latitudes.
>> curvilinear grids:                2d x,y but each section is a
>> quadilateral and connected to its neighbor (implicit topology)
>> CF allows both irregular and curvilinear grids. one could extend WCS to
>> return netcdf/CF irregular and curvilinear grids, without regridding.
>> unstructured grids: arbitrary meshes, explicit topology, no CF standard
>> yet.
>> John, why do you want WCS? To get geotiffs, or ??
>> On 6/15/2011 7:25 PM, Ben Domenico wrote:
>> Hi John et al.,
>>  I am currently at the OGC Technical Committee meetings so your note is
>> quite timely.  My concept of how this sort of capability might be worked
>> into the standards -- from the netCDF point of view anyway -- is via the CF
>> conventions.    We are currently working on a CF extension for the OGC
>> netCDF core standard.  At the same time we are working on a CF-netCDF
>> encoding standard for WCS 2.0.  But my understanding is that
>> irregular/curvilinear grids are not formally adopted yet as part of the CF
>> conventions.  When these grids officially become part of CF, we can then do
>> a revised extension to CF-netCDF and to WCS.
>>  Please correct me if I'm wrong about the status of irregular/curvilinear
>> grids in CF.  If you have suggestions for better ways to accomplish this,
>> let me know.   But for now this is the general outline of the plan for
>> getting this into the formal standards world.
>>  For what it's worth.
>> -- Ben
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 6:23 PM, John Maurer <jmaurer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the explanation, Ethan. If TDS could handle the regridding
>>> itself, then it could work. I assume this is what's happening on the backend
>>> via TDS/ncWMS for GetMap requests since the WMS spec doesn't handle
>>> irregular/curvilinear grids either (right?). I was hoping a future
>>> enhancement could someday do the same for TDS WCS. Something for the
>>> suggestion box.
>>> Cheers,
>>> John
>>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Ethan Davis <edavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> TDS currently only supports WCS 1.0.0. The WCS 1.0.0 specification
>>>> itself does not support requesting or returning irregular/curvilinear
>>>> grids. I believe the same is true for WCS 1.1.0.
>>>> I don't belive this is necessarily the case for WCS 2.0. However, the
>>>> 2.0 specification is written in the new core/extensions paradigm and I
>>>> don't believe the extensions necessary to request or return
>>>> irregular/curvilinear grids are yet written.
>>>> The TDS WCS implementation does not currently support regridding data.
>>>> So, currently one gets the data from the WCS in the same projection in
>>>> which the data is stored. The combination means the TDS WCS can only
>>>> serve regularly gridded data.
>>>> Ethan
>>>> On 6/15/2011 5:31 PM, John Maurer wrote:
>>>> > Hi All,
>>>> > We now use the WCS service through TDS to serve GeoTIFF files to
>>>> users.
>>>> > Since it only works for regular grids, I was wondering if TDS could be
>>>> > enhanced in the future to support irregular/curvilinear grids via WCS?
>>>> > TDS/ncWMS already handles curvilinear grids via WMS, so I was hoping
>>>> the
>>>> > same sort of intervening magic could be applied for TDS' WCS service?
>>>> > Thoughts?
>>>> > Thanks for listening!,
>>>> > John Maurer
>>>> > Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
>>>> > University of Hawaii at Manoa
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