Re: [thredds] WMS and F-TDS virtual datasets [was: Re: aggregation / arithmetic between variables]


> for your case, maybe the best that can be done is "F-TDS" or similar ??

Yeah, I think calling your fileType "F-TDS" would be fine.  In this case the 
WMS will "assume the worst" (i.e. that the data are compressed or remote) and 
use the bounding-box algorithm, which reads all the required data in a single 
operation.  This means that, in the worst case, it will read far more data than 
it needs to build an image, but it minimizes the overhead of data reading.



Message: 5
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 10:42:25 -0600
From: John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [thredds] WMS and F-TDS virtual datasets [was: Re:
        aggregation / arithmetic between variables]
Message-ID: <4DBAEA71.5070204@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 4/29/2011 10:20 AM, Ethan Davis wrote:
> Hi Roland,
> The fileTypeId wasn't really designed with virtual datasets in mind or 
> with any particular semantics in mind. They are similar to using 
> software version numbers to indicate capabilities, you just have to 
> know what they mean.
> Since virtual datasets may change the characteristics expected from a 
> dataset with a given fileTypeId, perhaps we should extend fileTypeIds 
> to allow for multi-layer names. Maybe something like "ncAggregation - GRIB2".

for your case, maybe the best that can be done is "F-TDS" or similar ??

End of thredds Digest, Vol 27, Issue 36

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