Re: [thredds] Incorrect values for elevation (WMS)

Hi Ethan,

Yes!  It does indeed have an attribute of:

positive: "down"

So should we convert values (and metadata) to have positive values going up?



On 20/07/10 1:48 AM, Ethan Davis wrote:
Hi Pauline,

Does the zt_ocean variable have a "positive" attribute with a value of

      zt_ocean:positive = "down" ;

If so, then the WMS may be converting the values so that positive Z is


On 7/18/2010 11:19 PM, Pauline Mak wrote:
Hi all,

I've found some problems with how the WMS servlet shows elevation values.

We have a NetCDF file with these values in it (using the OPeNDAP ASCII

5.0, 15.0, 25.0, 35.0, 45.0, 55.0, 65.0, 75.0, 85.0, 95.0, 105.0, 115.0,
125.0, 135.0, 145.0, 155.0, 165.0, 175.0, 185.0, 195.0, 205.0,
216.50769, 232.35658, 254.85658, 285.51538, 324.8566, 372.3566,
426.50772, 485.00003, 545.0, 609.0192, 684.0192, 774.0192, 879.0192,
995.0, 1115.0, 1237.4758, 1366.8885, 1506.3256, 1656.8885, 1817.4758,
1985.0, 2155.0, 2404.449, 2861.898, 3576.449, 4499.0

However, in the WMS GetCapabilities document, the elevation values are
shown like so:

<Dimension name="elevation" units="meters" default="-5.0">


The values are float32s:

Float32 zt_ocean[zt_ocean = 47];

So it looks like there's some precision problems?

I am using TDS Version 4.2.20100607.1833 - 20100607.1833



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